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Everything posted by FlyingMachine

  1. yes alright but how i can do that ? .htaccess ?
  2. i've added this code <dd>Remember Me? <input type="checkbox" name="remember" /></dd> it's done but only problem i got is index.php request to relogin but if i visited another page it's logged in
  3. http://www.royalmaroc-va.com/
  4. i don't have this option in input form anyone can give me the code of this option thanks
  5. what is that ? i talk about login system
  6. Good evening dears i want to know how to chnage my current settings for VA.ini of fscaras i wish to add some commands like FlapsEvent ....etc thanks in advence
  7. Good evening i want after user login no need to relogin next time stay logged in thanks in advence
  8. how i can put signup to know who gonna participate ??? of course integate it in the table of event s thank in advence
  9. Good morning PHPVMSS how i can put this code only in first page mean index not others pasge i try in layout but the code appears in all pages thanks in advence
  10. i will try it
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