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Everything posted by FlyingMachine

  1. Hello folks, Year ago i tried to install FrontSchedules module but i got a problem of aircraft drop menu list, i cancelled the module. Now, after many pilots jumping from airport to another and dropping fleet everywhere, so i need this module the problem as you see The same thing with airfield. Looking forward,
  2. I will try this, hope it will fix the problem
  3. Hi gents, if anyone can help with the matter please contact me, i can't see any aircraft within : Select An Aircraft Type. Paid support is requested please, yours,
  4. Much appreciated your help, working well Thank you
  5. Warning: file_exists(): File name is longer than the maximum allowed path length on this platform (4096): (here the path of default skin) Thanks
  6. Thank you once again Mark, i tried the same tips but it doesn't work with me.
  7. Thank you Mark for your answer, well i found the error is related to this post. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/22972-warning-file-exists-error
  8. Hi sir, I applied this rule to resolve the previous error "sidebar_dashboard.tpl" it resolved well, but the previous error shown again "Warning: file_exists(): File name is longer than the maximum allowed path length on this platform (4096): /var/www/vhosts/....." FYI my php version is 5.3.29 looking forward
  9. right now it become sidebar_dashboard.tpl doesn't work Yours,
  10. the problem is i moved two virtual websites, one of them work very fine, one of them show this error
  11. Thank you servetas for your suggestion, however, the error still exist, sidebar_dashboard.php the same result yours,
  12. Good day gents after transferring my website to new server, i had some errors but everything resolved, i believe that the php version is the bug, however only thing missing now, in my admin i got sidebar_pirep_pending.tpl no the status of pireps it's simple shown : sidebar_pirep_pending.tpl no more, any suggestions ? Yours,
  13. Hi sirs, i get the same error here, any news ! Regards,
  14. Dear Parkho Since the last conversation we had, the phpvms is already updated,i got the last version. But the module still can't run
  15. Thanks Servetas Regards,
  16. howdy Nope still the same
  17. Hello everybody I hope this topic will find you well, After 1 year of working with version 2.1.936 i've noticed there is another version ofr phpvms.updated.zip Version 2.1.938 well i checked the forum how the process must be done. As well i complied with the instructions but something attract my attention, that the /install/update.php asked me for Force update i did, the job done without any error when i visited the admin, i notified that the current version still 936 not Upgraded ??? Any suggestions ??? Tnx
  18. Sorry for delay i was off, for sure i will send it to you this morning
  19. Hi sir, Nothing available yet i can't see either the airplanes and the destinations only the airlines !
  20. Yes sir i see my current position, also i am logged in
  21. any suggest !
  22. hi sir tnx for the quick answer, i got the correct files and folders checked but the problem still existing
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