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    St. Catharines, Ontario

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  1. YianniM

    Sky Template

    +1 on that. Link is broken
  2. Hey everyone I was wondering if anyone would be willing to convert my template to phpVMS for me. It's for my Virtual Airline, EireJet. I could do it myself, but I need to get the site done fast. I have way too many web design projects on my plate right now and I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to do it for me. I need it in 10 days or less. Please let me know and I will send you the files. Yianni
  3. Hello all, I was wondering how I could add Integrated Pirep System to my phpVMS website. Is there a document anywhere that I can find to show me how? Best Regards, Yianni
  4. Thank you so much Vangelis!
  5. Hello! I'm not sure if this question has been asked before, but how do I make my template be interchangeable between 2 languages (I want to do mine English and Spanish)? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks! Yianni
  6. Thank you Sava!!! Will I have to create a footer.tpl and nav.tpl as well?
  7. Can someone make a tutorial on how to convert a standard html skin to phpVMS?
  8. Hello everyone, I want to set my phpVMS to where the pilot registers and can select an aircraft off a list and becomes a first officer on it. For example: Pilot registers -> Selects Starting Aircraft -> Becomes lowest rank (F/O) on it -> Accumulates hours -> Gets promoted to captain -> Goes through training to next aircraft in A/C Class -> gets lowest rank (F/O) -> ect. How would I program that? Can someone develop a code? Is there a code out there already? I know you can add different ranks and select aircraft per rank, but I want to set it up where they get type ratings. I also would want to know if I can set the booking centre to where you can only view flights of your certified type rating. Like for example a 737 Captain cannot view 747 pilot schedules, But a 747 pilot can because he has his 737 type rating. Or another example: A 737 Captain cannot view E-170 schedules because he does not have his type rating on the 170, but a 170 pilot can't view the 737 schedules because he does not have his type rating on the 737. How would I program that? Can someone develop a code? Is there a code out there already? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! Yianni
  9. Thanks flyalaska!
  10. Hello All, I was just wondering on how I can change the text in the Pilot Center of Skyline v1.1 to images. I attached my images. Thanks in advance! Yianni
  11. Hey everyone, Do I need to save my .html skin to a .tpl? I'm really confused if I have to. Thanks for all your help in advance! Yianni
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