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Everything posted by James142

  1. Can you post the error messages you are getting...
  2. I know it has come up before but has anyone here managed to add the code required to display the amount of mail in the inbox?
  3. Or I could have just used my brains and searched it on google. Found it thanks
  4. The code has already being posted
  5. But does it save the information you have entered on your next visit?
  6. Create a flash map showing all flights from each of the hubs...
  7. I never said you where using free-hosting, sorry if it seems like I did. Anyway yeah I think its ok, good luck with it!
  8. That sticky note feature looks pretty cool.
  9. Its not permanent When I tried to view your site, there where too many connections so it would not let me view it. That normally happens with free webhosting.
  10. Would I have to make a php file to create the .xml file?
  11. Fatal error: Uncaught <blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>Too many connections (1040)</b></font>]<br />[<font color=000000><b></b></font>]</font><p> </blockquote><hr noshade color=dddddd size=1> thrown in/home/citylink/public_html/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 99 Must have passed your limit of connections
  12. Hello. I was wondering if it was possible to call all the airport information from the database into a .xml file? for example: Dublin airports lat/long is: 51.5002/-0.1262 So I wish to display: <lines> <line lat="51.5002" long="-0.1262" width="1" name="Dublin" alpha="40"></line> </lines> Any help is appreciated, James
  13. Pending Applications: <?php echo count(PilotData::GetPendingPilots())?>
  14. "FBI Supervisory Special Agent Bean"?? lol
  15. He posted www[DOT]celestialairvirtual[DOT]com/index.php/registration but the forums shortened it down to /i...p/registration ; Happened to me many times
  16. Remember the time you copied Stuarts airport module idea?
  17. Getting a lawyer is a bit extreme in my opinion. You are going to pay ALOT of money for a lawyer just to get one person to remove your images? I understand that it annoys you but I don't think its worth getting a lawyer...
  18. I have got most of it finished. I am sorry that it is taking a while, but I am working as fast as I can with it.
  19. Here is a pic: Any Ideas? Kindest Regards, James
  20. That looks amazing!
  21. I don't think you will get much pilots from the phpvms forums.
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