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Everything posted by James142

  1. I believe that staff module is available to download on this forums....
  2. Why not try putting: <?php if(MainController::$activeModule == 'FRONTPAGE'){ ?> <!-- ADD YOUR SIDEBAR CODE HERE--> <?php } ?> In your layout.tpl file? This will only show the sidebar in the homepage Regards, James (Thanks to Tom for giving me the code a while back) EDIT: Didn't see Marks post, what I just said is an alternative way of doing what you wanted to do..
  3. http://flightaware.com/resources/airport/ICAO-CODE/weather is what I have..
  4. Yeah that happened to me too, but I have edited by schedules search page to look like this: so it gives the link instead
  5. Could you share the link..?
  6. Glad to help
  7. Nice , I love those 3 images on the homepage. But if you wouldn't mind me making 2 suggestions? 1. Maybe make the background bigger instead of repeating it? 2. For the marquee scroller maybe add: onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();" So when you hover over it, it will freeze so its easier to read? Just a suggestion though, keep up the good work Kindest Regards, James
  8. Yeah I tried that but it continues to log me out :/
  9. Go to your first post and edit < Use Full Editor. There you can edit the Title. James
  10. Do you have <?php echo $page_content; ?> in your layout.tpl file? Kindest Regards, James
  11. If you dont delete your mySQL database for phpVMS you will still have your aircraft, routes, etc.. Just make sre you dont overwrite the database when you install phpvms..
  12. "Invalid login, please check your username and password" Are you sure you have the right details posted? Kindest Regards, James
  13. Chrome: Warning: Something's Not Right Here!... as Joeri said, the warning is not gonna disappear after 1 day..
  14. Not sure if this will help but maybe: http://yourwebite.co.../your-page-here ? (using action.php instead of index.php) Kindest Regards, James
  15. I have to say that it is better than the first repaint, but still there is too much orange. But thats just my opinion... Kindest Regards, James
  16. James142

    Redirect page

    Do you have your fleet_main.tpl file in your core > templates folder? Kindest Regards, James
  17. Stop using the orange font! And what you are looking for is already in the forums.. Kindest Regards, James
  18. Try <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false){ echo 'Hello Guest'; }else{ echo 'Hello '.PilotData::GetPilotCode(Auth::$userinfo->firstname, $userinfo->lastname; } ?>
  19. All that orange is blinding me
  20. Wow! Thats a very professional template! I love the box you have on top with the box you have on top that has the airport delay's in it
  21. This happens to me too :/
  22. Replace echo '<p>Sorry No recent flights have been found</p></div>'; to echo '<p>Sorry No recent flights have been found</p>'; (that removes the extra </div>) Kindest Regards, James
  23. ...
  24. In the css code, add: height: 100px; width: 100px; obviously change the 100 to the actual size of the image. Hope this helps! Kindest Regards, James
  25. in your /core folder.
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