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Everything posted by Industrialshadow

  1. ok i have made this fakeaccount and have edit the fields. But the same cannot login. im back n the mainpage.
  2. yes. The System has send me a new password to my emailadress. but i cant login with this... I dont know. im at the end of my latin xD
  3. i have tested it. Doesnt work. Now i have requested a new passwort, and have take a look in my database. in the password field i have a code (password encryption). but when i use my new passwor. i dont login....ill be back to the mainpage in my database i have this in the passowrdfield (621c4488db6750c43d7bc90930b82xxx) (the xxx are the last three numbers i will dont show here) i cannot take the backup . im not at my computer im on holidays on my grandpa..... So let me know when anybody have a idea where the problem is... Many Thanks
  4. ok. and where can i change my passwords? @James. what is this message? is this failure in my php? Please help me, to resolve this Problem
  5. yes i become this message. I have not changed any files...I will login to see new pireps. but today i become this message. i have contacted my provider...and have take a look in my database but its all good. i have made a test regestration. but the same error come
  6. Hello Im the CEO of Lausitz Aircargo. I was in holidays a few Days. Now i can not login in my Account. With all Browser doesnt work. I have changed my passwort in my database but doesnt wor. have anybody a idea? The same by my pilots. She cant login to our vms. webpage: http://www.lausitz-aircargo.de
  7. yes i will share it. i need work on some changes, and the i will share this complete.... Wait a week and i have a full working copy Cheers
  8. thanks to all. i will change my flightplan tommorow to the new system thanks for the support again
  9. Ok i have change some flights to this day, and no working, but i dont understand this. Yesterday the schedule works without this settings
  10. yes... thats my app.config # Schedules - ignore the day of week active? Config::Set('CHECK_SCHEDULE_DAY_OF_WEEK', false); # Schedules - only show schedules from the last filed PIREP Config::Set('SCHEDULES_ONLY_LAST_PIREP', false); # For how many hours a pilot can edit their submitted PIREP (custom fields only) Config::Set('PIREP_CUSTOM_FIELD_EDIT', '2'); # The time to wait to be allowed to submit identical PIREPS Config::Set('PIREP_CHECK_DUPLICATE', true); Config::Set('PIREP_TIME_CHECK', '1'); # Minutes, to wait in between duplicate submits # Whether to ignore any user-inputted load, and always calculate it Config::Set('PIREP_OVERRIDE_LOAD', false); /* What to order schedules by. Use s.[column_name] [ASC/DESC], with the column name being from the schedules table */ Config::Set('SCHEDULES_ORDER_BY', 's.flightnum ASC'); /* For PIREPS_ORDER_BY use p.[column_name] [ASC/DESC] */ Config::Set('PIREPS_ORDER_BY', 'p.submitdate DESC'); # If someone places a bid, whether to disable that or not Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', true); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', true); # Whether to close any bids after a certain amount of time Config::Set('CLOSE_BIDS_AFTER_EXPIRE', true); Config::Set('BID_EXPIRE_TIME', '48'); # How many hours to hold bids for Yesterday was this problem not. i dont have a idea where its come from. Also i have checked my database, and there all 60 flight correct. and thats my schedules code,flightnum,depicao,arricao,route,aircraft,flightlevel,distance,deptime,arrtime,flighttime,notes,price,flighttype,daysofweek,enabled," week1"," week2"," week3"," week4" LAA,101,EDJA,LOWI,"KPT Z999 BEMKI T23 GAPTO UT23 NORIN M726 BRENO",D-FUMP,13000,62.7359,06:00," 06:40"," 0.4"," "," 4.1"," C"," 012"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,107,LOWI,EDJA,"KPT UL608 AMEMI DCT",D-FUMP,12000,62.7359,15:10," 15:50"," 0.4"," "," 4"," C"," 012"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,1101,KBOS,KBGR,"DCT REVER V3 YUKES V106 ENE J581 ODIKE DCT",N6267B,17000,174.913,06:00," 07:40"," 1.4"," "," 4"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,1122,KHYA,KALB,"DCT PEAKE V167 PVD V146 FOSTY V151 PUT V146 CTR V270 STELA V130 CANAN DCT",N6267B,16000,170.531,15:25," 16:55"," 1.3"," "," 4"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,1147,KALB,KBOS,"DCT WARUV V14 GDM",N6267B,15000,125.738,12:30," 13:45"," 1.15"," "," 4"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,1149,KALB,KBGR,"DCT TIMKE V123 CAM J547 ENE J581 ODIKE DCT",N6267B,19000,249.143,17:25," 19:35"," 2.1"," "," 4"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,1154,KBOS,KDXR,"BOSOX V1 GRIPE V419 WITNY V146 BAF",N6267B,12000,125.063,06:00," 07:15"," 1.15"," "," 4"," C"," 2"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,1165,KBGR,KHYA,"DCT HOSEP V471 BGR J79 LFV DCT",N6267B,16000,199.01,08:10," 10:00"," 1.5"," "," 4"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,1178,KHYA,KALB,"DCT PEAKE V167 PVD J68 PUT V146 CTR V270 STELA V130 CANAN DCT",N6267B,16000,170.531,10:30," 12:00"," 1.3"," "," 4"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,1198,KBOS,KHYA,"DCT CELTS V141 GAILS DCT",N6267B,11000,53.7769,14:15," 14:55"," 0.4"," "," 4"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,1254,KACK,KORH,"MVY V146 PVD V405 VEERS V205 TRESA V433 RKA",N6267B,12000,102.173,09:45," 10:45"," 1"," "," 4"," C"," 2"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,1285,KDXR,KACK,"DCT FZOOL V188 GON",N6267B,13000,154.417,07:45," 09:15"," 1.3"," "," 4"," C"," 2"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,132,LSZH,LOWS,"ZUE G60 KPT L856 SBG",D-FUMP,15000,181.522,12:10," 13:30"," 1.2"," "," 4"," C"," 012"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,136,EDDM,LOWS,"MEBEK T702 BADIT T700 SBG",D-FUMP,11000,59.4025,08:20," 08:55"," 0.35"," "," 4.1"," C"," 012"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,1453,KORH,KBOS,"DCT GDM",N6267B,9000,38.6529,11:15," 11:45"," 0.3"," "," 4"," C"," 2"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,154,LOWS,LOWI,SBG,D-FUMP,12000,75.2781,14:00," 14:40"," 0.4"," "," 4"," C"," 012"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,164,LOWS,EDJA,"TRAUN L856 MANAL UL856 KPT UL608 AMEMI DCT",D-FUMP,12000,112.046,09:25," 10:25"," 1"," "," 4.1"," C"," 012"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,1659,KBGR,KBOS,"CT ODIKE J581 ENE V167 SCUPP",N6267B,16000,174.913,20:05," 21:45"," 1.4"," "," 4"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,195,EDJA,LSZH,"KPT UL856 NEGRA",D-FUMP,10000,75.253,11:00," 11:40"," 0.4"," "," 4"," C"," 012"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,197,LOWI,EDDM,KOGOL,D-FUMP,11000,68.8192,07:10," 07:50"," 0"," Climb initinal Fl110 to fly over the Hills around Innsbruck"," 4.1"," C"," 012"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,208,EDDB,EDDW,"BKD Z870 DENEN",D-FANF,14000,177.019,11:15," 12:55"," 1.4"," "," 4"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,217,EDDC,EDDP,"BEBEX T235 MITNI",D-FANF,8000,60.7393,07:10," 07:45"," 0.35"," "," 4.1"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,231,EDDB,EDDW,"BKD Z870 DENEN",D-FANF,12000,177.019,12:20," 13:40"," 1.2"," "," 4"," C"," 2"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,237,EDDV,EDDB,"MULDO T207 BATEL",D-FANF,15000,140.576,16:55," 17:55"," 1"," "," 4"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,239,EDDV,EDDB,"MULDO T207 BATEL",D-FANF,15000,140.576,09:40," 10:45"," 1.05"," "," 4.1"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,243,EDCD,EDDB,"LUROS Q200 GOVEN T205 NUKRO",D-FANF,8000,54.74,18:30," 19:00"," 0.3"," "," 4"," C"," 2"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,245,EDDP,EDDV,"ODLUN Y235 MAG T804 HLZ",D-FANF,12000,113.445,15:25," 16:25"," 1"," "," 4"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,251,EDFH,EDCD,"RUDUS L984 KULOK Z715 ABKIS",D-FANF,19000,344.63,16:00," 18:00"," 2"," "," 4"," C"," 2"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,253,EDDW,EDDP,"NIE N850 ROBEG T236 LUKOP",D-FANF,15000,160.461,13:25," 14:55"," 1.3"," "," 4"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,262,EDDW,EDFH,"BASUM R15 HMM Z905 ABAMI Y841 NOR",D-FANF,12000,195.811,14:10," 15:30"," 1.2"," "," 4"," C"," 2"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,263,EDDV,EDDK,"WRB B293 ESADU T858 KOPAG",D-FANF,14000,134.77,07:30," 08:30"," 1"," "," 4"," C"," 2"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,277,EDDB,EDDC,"TUVAK M725 KOBUS P31 GARKI",D-FANF,10000,75.7085,06:00," 06:40"," 0.4"," "," 4.1"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,281,EDDW,EDDB,"GESTO Z870 BKD L619 VIBIS",D-FANF,15000,177.019,10:35," 11:50"," 1.15"," "," 4"," C"," 2"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,288,EDDK,EDDW,"NOR T857 ELDAR Z905 HMM R15 BASUM T820 PIXUR",D-FANF,15000,144.171,09:00," 10:05"," 1.05"," "," 4"," C"," 2"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,291,EDDP,EDDV,"ODLUN Y235 MAG T804 HLZ",D-FANF,12000,113.445,08:15," 09:10"," 0.55"," "," 4.1"," C"," 01"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,295,EDDB,EDDV,"BELID Y203 HLZ",D-FANF,14000,140.576,06:00," 07:00"," 1"," "," 4"," C"," 2"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,3013,KHYA,KBGR,"DCT PEAKE V167 PVD V146 FOSTY V151 PUT V146 BAF V292 MOBBS DCT",N6257B,17000,199.01,14:40," 16:30"," 1.5"," "," 4"," C"," 0"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,3017,KORH,KBOS,GDM,N6257B,7000,4573.79,10:40," 11:10"," 0.3"," "," 4"," C"," 12"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,3220,KBGR,KALB,"ODIKE J581 ENE J547 CAM V123 TIMKE",N6257B,18000,249.143,17:00," 19:10"," 2.1"," "," 4"," C"," 0"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,3251,KAUG,KPSF,"CT QUIPS V3 NOLLI V39 SERPA V3 LABEL V39 CON V93 WHATE DCT",N6257B,16000,190.845,07:45," 09:30"," 1.45"," "," 4"," C"," 0"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,3282,KALB,KBOS,"DCT WARUV V14 GDM",N6257B,13000,125.738,19:40," 20:50"," 1.1"," "," 4"," C"," 0"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,3641,KACK,KORH,"MVY V146 PVD V405 VEERS ",N6257B,10000,102.173,09:10," 10:10"," 1"," "," 4"," C"," 12"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,3656,KACK,KBOS,"MVY V146 PVD",N6257B,15000,79.8816,12:00," 13:00"," 1"," "," 4"," C"," 0"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,3658,KBOS,KBDL,"MILIS V16 ORW V475 ",N6257B,10000,78.762,06:00," 07:00"," 1"," "," 4"," C"," 12"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,3659,KBOS,KAUG,"DCT REVER V3 QUIPS DC",N6257B,15000,129.003,06:00," 07:15"," 1.15"," "," 4"," C"," 0"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,3665,KPSF,KACK,"DCT STELA V270 CTR V146 PUT J68 PVD",N6257B,17000,160.877,10:00," 11:30"," 1.3"," "," 4"," C"," 0"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,3923,KBDL,KACK,"BLATT V405 PVD",N6257B,13000,125.307,07:30," 08:40"," 1.1"," "," 4"," C"," 12"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,3951,KBOS,KHYA,"DCT CELTS V141 GAILS DCT",N6257B,9000,53.7769,13:30," 14:10"," 0.4"," "," 4"," C"," 0"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,7001,KMHT,KBGR,"RAYMY V106 ENE V93 TICBU",N6234B,15000,159.571,09:10," 10:40"," 1.3"," "," 4"," C"," 024"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,7015,KBGR,KBOS,"ODIKE J581 ENE V167 SCUPP",N6234B,14000,174.913,11:10," 12:50"," 1.4"," "," 4"," C"," 024"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,7632,KALB,KMHT,"TIMKE V123 CAM V490 BASUU",N6234B,15000,105.233,07:40," 08:40"," 1"," "," 4"," C"," 024"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,7984,KBOS,KALB,"SOSYO V431 GDM V14 HURLY V2 WARIC V14 GRISY V2 GRAVE V14 WARUV",N6234B,12000,125.738,0600," 07:10"," 1.1"," "," 4"," C"," 024"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,8001,EDJA,EBBR,"KPT L856 ROMIR N851 LEBSO T711 LUPEN UM164 OBORN V17 GTQ UN852 SUTAL N852 LIMGO UN852 DIK N852 GOPAS UN852 GESLO N852 LNO",D-CADE,20000,284.876,09:10," 11:20"," 2.1"," "," 6.5"," C"," 02"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,8010,EDDB,EDJA,"BELID Y204 LODRO M736 TABAT T192 KULOK Z715 ANELA N869 DKB W718 ELVAG Y161 RIXED",D-CADE,20000,291.746,06:00," 08:10"," 2.1"," "," 6.5"," C"," 02"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,8012,EDDM,EDDB,"NKER Y104 MAMOR L132 ABKIS Q240 BESIP T203 AKUDI",D-CADE,19000,250.149,15:40," 17:40"," 2"," "," 6.5"," C"," 02"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,8022,EBBR,EDDM,"SPI Q50 ARCKY UQ50 SUXIM L607 RUDUS L984 ASKIK Z74 HAREM T104 BURAM",D-CADE,21000,322.704,12:20," 14:40"," 2.2"," "," 6.5"," C"," 02"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,810,KBOS,KLGA,"BOSOX V1 GRIPE V419 WITNY V146 BAF",N75HN,14000,4573.79,06:00," 07:10"," 1.1"," "," 120"," P"," 012"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,914,KLGA,KDCA,"PROUD V123 RBV V252 DQO V166 BELAY V378 TRISH",N75HN,14000,186.54,07:40," 09:00"," 1.2"," "," 120"," P"," 012"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,936,KDCA,KALB,"BINKS J75 MXE V29 PTW J77 BWZ V270 ATHOS V44 GROUP",N75HN,19000,276.481,09:30," 11:20"," 1.5"," "," 120"," P"," 012"," 1"," "," "," "," " LAA,966,KALB,KBOS,"WARUV V14 GDM",N75HN,15000,125.738,11:50," 01:00"," 1"," "," 120"," P"," 012"," 1"," "," "," "," "
  11. Hi all i have a problem. In my Database are many Flights entered. Now when i click on the schedules, i domts see bookable flights. And in the app.config and local config its nothing changed. have anybody a idea??? www.lausitz-aircargo.de
  12. i have read your post. I think that we should build properly once his side before making advertising.Personally scares me something now
  13. before you request new Pilots. You have to edit your Website. Its very bad very bad... Your skin its anywhere but LOL LOL LOL LOL Cheers
  14. Hi i dont become it to wiork on my schdules page. can anybody help me via Teamviewer or else? I have spend many time into this but im noob LOL Thanks
  15. Hi it doesnt work. Any Idea here is my code again <style type="text/css"> <!-- th { color: #ff8710; font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bolder; font-size: 14px; } td { color: #000000; font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; } --> </style> <h1><center><?php echo SITE_NAME?> Fleet Availability</center></h1> <!-- Fleet Table Version 2.0.- - fleet_table.tpl - By Mitchell W http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1522-fleet-table/ CHANGES FROM 1.1: Added image Added download --> <td align="center"> <h2><center>AIRCRAFT CURRENTLY FLYING</center></h2></td> <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="border:1px solid grey;"> <tr> <th align="center" style="background-color: #006699; width: 3.5%;"> </th> <th width="20%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Aircraft</th> <th width="5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Reg</th> <th width="18.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Status</th> </tr> <?php $results = ACARSData::GetACARSData(); if (count($results) > 0) { foreach($results as $flight) { ?> <tr> <td></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $flight->aircraftname;?></td> <td style="font-weight: bolder;"><?php echo $flight->aircraft; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php if($flight->phasedetail != 'Paused') { echo $flight->phasedetail; } else { echo "Cruise"; }?></font></td> </tr> <?php } } else { ?> <tr><td width="20%" align="center" colspan="6" style="padding: 5px; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; color: #ff961e;">No Aircraft Currently Flying</td></tr> <?php } ?> </table> <p></p> <table border="0"> <thead> <tr> <td align="center"> <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="border:1px solid grey;"> <tr> <th width="10%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Image</th> <th width="15%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Type</th> <th width="5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Reg</th> <th width="10%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Hours used</th> <th width="5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Flights</th> <th width="20.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Location</th> <th width="28.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Status</th> <th width="15.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Download Link</th> </tr> <tbody> <?php foreach ($fleet as $aircraft) If($aircraft->enabled==1) {if($aircraft->registration=="-") { continue; } ?> <tr> <td bgcolor="#006699"><img src="<?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>"></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->name; ?></font></center> </td> <td bgcolor="#006699" style="font-weight: bolder;"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->totaltime; ?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->routesflown; ?></font></center></td><?php $params = (array('a.registration'=>$aircraft->registration, 'p.accepted'=>PIREP_ACCEPTED)); $pirep = PIREPData::findPIREPS($params); $current_location2 = $pirep[0]->arrname; ?> <td bgcolor="#006699" style="font-weight: bolder;"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $current_location.''.$current_location2; ?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php If($aircraft->enabled==1){echo "AVAILABLE";} else {echo "UNDER MAINTENANCE";}?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><a href="<?php echo $aircraft->downloadlink; ?>"><center><font color=#FFFFFF>Click</font></center></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <p></p> <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#006699" style="border:1px solid grey;"> <th><font color=#FFFFFF>Unavailable Aircrafts</font></th> </table> <table border="0"> <p></p> <thead> <tr> <td align="center"> <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="border:1px solid grey;"> <tr> <th width="10%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Image</th> <th width="15%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Type</th> <th width="5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Reg</th> <th width="10%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Hours used</th> <th width="5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Sorties</th> <th width="20.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Location</th> <th width="28.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Status</th> <th width="15.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Download Link</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($fleet as $aircraft) If($aircraft->enabled==0) { ?> <tr> <td bgcolor="#006699"><img src="<?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>"></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->name; ?></font></center> </td> <td bgcolor="#006699" style="font-weight: bolder;"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->totaltime; ?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->routesflown; ?></font></center></td> <?php $params = (array('a.registration'=>$aircraft->registration, 'p.accepted'=>PIREP_ACCEPTED)); $pirep = PIREPData::findPIREPS($params); $current_location2 = $pirep[0]->arrname; ?> <td bgcolor="#006699" style="font-weight: bolder;"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $current_location.''.$current_location2; ?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FF0000><?php If($aircraft->enabled==1){echo "AVAILABLE";} else {echo "UNDER MAINTENANCE";}?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><a href="<?php echo $aircraft->downloadlink; ?>"><center><font color=#FFFFFF>Click</font></center></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <br />
  16. hello i have use your cde above. IWhere do i put the img src? I dont find a way. Thanks for Help
  17. Hi I dont know were i must put in this is my fleet_table <style type="text/css"> <!-- th { color: #ff8710; font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bolder; font-size: 14px; } td { color: #000000; font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; } --> </style> <h1><center><?php echo SITE_NAME?> Fleet Availability</center></h1> <!-- Fleet Table Version 2.0.- - fleet_table.tpl - By Mitchell W http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1522-fleet-table/ CHANGES FROM 1.1: Added image Added download --> <td align="center"> <h2><center>AIRCRAFT CURRENTLY FLYING</center></h2></td> <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="border:1px solid grey;"> <tr> <th align="center" style="background-color: #006699; width: 3.5%;"> </th> <th width="20%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Aircraft</th> <th width="5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Reg</th> <th width="18.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Status</th> </tr> <?php $results = ACARSData::GetACARSData(); if (count($results) > 0) { foreach($results as $flight) { ?> <tr> <td></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $flight->aircraftname;?></td> <td style="font-weight: bolder;"><?php echo $flight->aircraft; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php if($flight->phasedetail != 'Paused') { echo $flight->phasedetail; } else { echo "Cruise"; }?></font></td> </tr> <?php } } else { ?> <tr><td width="20%" align="center" colspan="6" style="padding: 5px; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; color: #ff961e;">No Aircraft Currently Flying</td></tr> <?php } ?> </table> <p></p> <table border="0"> <thead> <tr> <td align="center"> <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="border:1px solid grey;"> <tr> <th width="10%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Image</th> <th width="15%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Type</th> <th width="5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Reg</th> <th width="10%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Hours used</th> <th width="5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Flights</th> <th width="20.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Location</th> <th width="28.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Status</th> <th width="15.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Download Link</th> </tr> <tbody> <?php foreach ($fleet as $aircraft) If($aircraft->enabled==1) {if($aircraft->registration=="-") { continue; } ?> <tr> <td bgcolor="#006699"><img src="<?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>"></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->name; ?></font></center> </td> <td bgcolor="#006699" style="font-weight: bolder;"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->totaltime; ?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->routesflown; ?></font></center></td><?php $params = (array('a.registration'=>$aircraft->registration, 'p.accepted'=>PIREP_ACCEPTED)); $pirep = PIREPData::findPIREPS($params); $current_location2 = $pirep[0]->arrname; ?> <td bgcolor="#006699" style="font-weight: bolder;"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $current_location.''.$current_location2; ?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php If($aircraft->enabled==1){echo "AVAILABLE";} else {echo "UNDER MAINTENANCE";}?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><a href="<?php echo $aircraft->downloadlink; ?>"><center><font color=#FFFFFF>Click</font></center></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <p></p> <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#006699" style="border:1px solid grey;"> <th><font color=#FFFFFF>Unavailable Aircrafts</font></th> </table> <table border="0"> <p></p> <p></p> <thead> <tr> <td align="center"> <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="border:1px solid grey;"> <tr> <th width="10%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Image</th> <th width="15%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Type</th> <th width="5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Reg</th> <th width="10%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Hours used</th> <th width="5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Sorties</th> <th width="20.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Location</th> <th width="28.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Status</th> <th width="15.5%" align="center" style="background-color: #006699;">Download Link</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($fleet as $aircraft) If($aircraft->enabled==0) { ?> <tr> <td bgcolor="#006699"><img src="<?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>"></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->name; ?></font></center> </td> <td bgcolor="#006699" style="font-weight: bolder;"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->totaltime; ?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $aircraft->routesflown; ?></font></center></td> <?php $params = (array('a.registration'=>$aircraft->registration, 'p.accepted'=>PIREP_ACCEPTED)); $pirep = PIREPData::findPIREPS($params); $current_location2 = $pirep[0]->arrname; ?> <td bgcolor="#006699" style="font-weight: bolder;"><center><font color=#FFFFFF><?php echo $current_location.''.$current_location2; ?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><center><font color=#FF0000><?php If($aircraft->enabled==1){echo "AVAILABLE";} else {echo "UNDER MAINTENANCE";}?></font></center></td> <td bgcolor="#006699"><a href="<?php echo $aircraft->downloadlink; ?>"><center><font color=#FFFFFF>Click</font></center></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <br />
  18. Hello Friends I have a Problem. My Va Statistic is centered with <ul>my code</ul> I will have it on the left side with 1 or 2px from the border I have here my layout .tpl with my code for the Statistic <ul> <strong>Total Flights: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalFlights(); ?><br /> <strong>Total Hours Flown: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalHours(); ?><br /> <strong>Total Flights Today: </strong><?php echo StatsData::totalflightstoday(); ?><br /> <strong>Total Schedules: </strong><?php echo StatsData::totalschedules(); ?> <br /> <strong>Total Aircraft In Fleet: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalAircraftInFleet(); ?><br /> <strong>Passenger Carried: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalPaxCarried (); ?><br /> <strong>Total Fuel Burned: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalFuelBurned(); ?><br /> <strong>Miles Flown: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalMilesFlown(); ?><br /> <strong>All News: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalNewsItems (); ?><br /> <strong>Pending Application:</strong><?php echo count(PilotData::GetPendingPilots())?><br /> <strong>Total Freight: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalCargoCarried (); ?> <?php echo Lbs; ?><br /> <?php $usersonline = StatsData::UsersOnline(); $guestsonline = StatsData::GuestsOnline(); ?> <h4>Pilots Online</h4> <?php foreach($usersonline as $pilot) { echo "<p>"; echo '<img src="'.Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location).'" alt="'.Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location).'" />'; echo "{$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname}<br />"; echo "</p>"; } ?> <h4>Guests Online</h4> <p class="txt-red10">Currently <?php echo count($guestsonline);?> guest(s) visiting. </p> </ul> Hope anybody can help me to fix this
  19. i think you can delete only in your database your aircrafts Cheers
  20. Good Day all Today i have change my Pilot_public_profile.tpl. With a good Friend i have make an background image and have put in all Datas from the old with some changes. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  21. where i put the </div> in. in my fleet table? or antoher tpl? i dont know
  22. ok i hope another person has an idea to solve it. Yeah its working fine thanks for this. Great stuff Cheers
  23. Hello i have a Problem with this. Can you help me Skin : Obsess Blue Site http://www.lausitz-aircargo.de/index.php/Fleet thx
  24. can you post your codes to us. So can another people use it. Thats are very friendly ;) and im interested to make it also...have you change in the database ???? or have you only put your codes in the fleet.table? Cheers
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