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I would like to put on my ftp servor a table which presents the pilot list with only the date of the last flight. This page will be public, so all the people will see it without registering.

I tried to do this php page with this code I found in this forum :


$report = PIREPData::GetLastReports($pilot->pilotid, 1);

echo date('d.M.Y', strtotime($report->submitdate));


But when I use this code, nothing happens.

How can I do to do this page with only the pilot list and the date of the last flight ?



  • Administrators

If you want to do a little more with it since if a pilot has not flown any flights the system returns a date of Dec 31 1969 you could use the code below to show "No Flights" instead of the old date..

$report = PIREPData::GetLastReports($pilot->pilotid, 1);
$check = date('Y', strtotime($report->submitdate));
if ($check=="1969")
	echo 'no flights';
	$last = date('M.d.Y', strtotime($report->submitdate));
	echo $last;

  • Administrators

The last PIREP date is stored in the pilot's table, in the 'lastpirep' field, as a datetime, so you could do:


$pilots = PilotData::GetAllPilots();

foreach($pilots as $pilot)
    echo "{$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname} - {$pilot->lastpirep}<br />";

When using double quotes in a string, it's good practice to encapsulate variables in { }

You can check if it's null (this is the default value, it's only updated when there's a PIREP):

if($pilot->lastpirep == '0000-00-00 00:00:00')
    echo 'No PIREP';
    // What David suggested:
    echo  date('m-d-Y', strtotime($pirep->lastpirep));

This will be the most reliable way.

Also, not sure if you knew, if this is outside of phpVMS, you have to:


include '/path/to/core/codon.config.php';

Then anything with the API should work.



Thank you for your ansers. I put this code on an lastflight.php page in my ftp servor, but outside of the phpvms folder :


include '/path/to/core/codon.config.php';

$pilots = PilotData::GetAllPilots();

foreach($pilots as $pilot)
    echo "{$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname} - {$pilot->lastpirep}<br />";

if($pilot->lastpirep == '0000-00-00 00:00:00')
    echo 'No PIREP';
    // What David suggested:
    echo  date('m-d-Y', strtotime($pirep->lastpirep));

But I still have a blank page (without any information) when I want to see this page with only this code.

Did I make an error ?



  • Administrators

include '/path/to/core/codon.config.php';

You have to change this to the path to the file on your server. Probably something like..

include '/myairlinefolder/core/codon.config.php';

  • Administrators

You have the right path?

Before and after that include line, put:

ini_set('display_errors', 'on');

Hopefully that will give some sort of clue as to the error


Now, I have this error :

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/phpvms/core/codon.config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.') in /home/vol4/byethost31.com/b31_3600827/htdocs/lastflight.php on line 5

Fatal error: Class 'PilotData' not found in /home/vol4/byethost31.com/b31_3600827/htdocs/lastflight.php on line 10


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