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Hi Nabeel,

Using the latest beta and I am having issues accepting new pilots.  As soon as I double click to accept them, it goes to the pilot list.  They are still in the list for pending.

As well, the map does not seem to be erasing ended flights.  I have it set for 30 minutes in the config and they are still there.  I even changed it to 1 and hours after they are still there.

I have not been able to send my pireps to VA Central either.  Something about the API server but I am just assuming that is an issue on your end.

Would really like to see the registration fixed chief.



  • Moderators

hello Chuck

the flights will disapear after 12 hours i have been trying to change it but nothing hapens.

the vacentral bug is fixed.

issues accepting i forgot to tell to Nabeel.

gr joeri


12 hours?  Yikes!!!

Saturday night is one of our busiest nights.  That poor map is going to be an absolute mess in about 3 hours.  Most of the pilots tonight will be flying multiple flights as well.

I really need to get this registration issue fixed or I will have to try to revert to a previous build.



  • Moderators

Nabeel told me the registrations error is fixed but he didn't had the time to place an update.

yes i know yikes is a wierd thingif a flight is done you could manualy deleti it out the database for know

  • Administrators

768 is going up right now to fix it. Takes about 15-20 min to show up in the build log, but the file is already updated on download.phpvms.net/beta.zip

ACARS thing, it didn't make it into 768, I just realized why -

Open /common/ACARSData.class.php line 316,  this line:

$cutofftime = 12; // hours

Stick a // in front of the line (or just delete it).

That'll fix it.


Will do Boss! ;D  By the way, tried to comment out the cutoff time and lost my pilots off the map.

Tried to delete that line and lost my pilots off the map.  So for now, I changed the 12 to a 1.



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