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Ok so don't laugh at me.  ;D  ;D http://paranormalinsights.com/phpVMS

I am trying to break each section up into blocks like I have on the left, but each time I try and add a new div or anything, it busts up my template real bad like.

I know it is uglier than ape right now. I figure once I get functional worked out, I work on pretty later. This is my first attempt at a skin for phpVMS.

Can anyone tell me how to add extra stuff on the sides in blocks without busting up my template.? If needs be I can take a screen shot of what it looks like busted up and show the code so you know what I am up to.

Also, notice the links for new pilots and such, they are blue and purple. I use web developer in firefox and try to view css info but it says none found. I have tried and tried in my css to add a link class but to no avail so far.


For the sidebar, have the main side div, and item divs within (if you mean you want separated blocks), for example:

<div id="leftside">
<div id="sideitem">sideitem content</div>
<div id="sideitem">sideitem2 content</div>

And, links:

a:link {
// link style
a:visited {
//visited link style
a:hover {
//mouseover link style
a:active {
//active link (no idea)

It's a great start!


Thanks Tom! Hopefully I get to work on it again tonight for a little bit.

Yeah seperating each item is what I am after. I got it to work, but blocks were everywhere and template busted up badly. I am more than sure it was a div error on my part.  ;D

I'll give that a try and see how it goes. Thanks again.


Oh and do you know of any good drop down menu scripts anywhere that work good with phpVMS?


For the sidebar, have the main side div, and item divs within (if you mean you want separated blocks), for example:

<div id="leftside">
<div id="sideitem">sideitem content</div>
<div id="sideitem">sideitem2 content</div>

I tried it this way and I do get my speperate blocks, but it busts up pretty bad.


Here ya go.


Like I said, I have a real good reason to believe that I am mis placing my div statements. I have had this issue before and could never solve it so I had a guy do it for me.  That was mistake number 1 on my behalf.  :-[ 

I have been trying and trying and I am not quite sure why or what I am doing wrong.



Are you sure they have no style and are within the left div?

If you have like i quoted earlier, with leftside having the style (float:left; etc) and the sideitem having no style at all, then they should be one under another... Like I have (link in sig)


yeah I am not sure. I made no new css classes or anything.

Ill give a quick breakdown of how I did it.

<div id="content">
    <div id="content-left">
		<center><h3>Game Servers</h3></center>
         <table width="100%" align="center" bgcolor="">
				<td width="65%">Game Server</td>
				<td style="color:lime"><b>Online</b></td>
				<td>TeamSpeak<br>Community IP Address:<br>xxx.xx.xx.xxx:8767</td>
				<td style="color:lime"><b>Online</b></td>
				<td>ATC Server</td>
				<td style="color:red"><b>Offline</b></td>
<div id="content-left">
<center><h3>Users Online</h3></center>
<p><i>There have been <?php echo count($usersonline)?> user(s) in the past <?php echo Config::Get('USERS_ONLINE_TIME')?> minutes.</i></p>

/* $usersonline also has the list of users -
	really simple example

	Or if you're not on the frontpage:
	$usersonline = StatsData::UsersOnline();

foreach($usersonline as $pilot)	
	echo "{$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname}<br />";

      <div id="content-left">
   <center><h3>VA Statistics</h3></center>
        <p>Total Pilots: <?php echo StatsData::PilotCount(); ?></p>
        <p>Total Flights: <?php echo StatsData::TotalFlights(); ?></p>
        <p>Total Flights Today: <?php VastatsData::totalflightstoday(); ?></p>
        <p>Total Flight Hours: <?php echo StatsData::TotalHours(); ?></p>
        <p>Total PAX Carried: <?php VastatsData::totalpaxcarried(); ?></p>
        <p>Total Fuel Burned: <?php VastatsData::totalfuelburned(); ?></p>
        <p>Total Miles Flown: <?php VastatsData::totalmilesflown(); ?></p>
        <p>Total Aircraft: <?php VastatsData::totalaircraftinfleet(); ?></p>
        <p>Total Schedules: <?php VastatsData::totalschedules(); ?></p>
        <p>Total News Items: <?php VastatsData::totalnewsitems(); ?></p>
    <div id="content-main">
// Show these if they haven't logged in yet


                    	<img src="../images/fsscr070.jpg" height="248" width="398" alt="Thunder Va"/>                    
                        <h2>Thunder Aviation Virtual</h2>
                        <small> <a href="fleet.htm"></a></small>
                        <p>Welcome To Thunder Aviation Virtual</p>
                      <p>This is the website for the Virtual Airline Thunder Aviation. We fly with Microsoft Flight simulator online at a network called Real World ATC (RWATC). <br />

                        Do you want to know more? Click <a href="about.htm">here</a>.</p>
                        <p>Ray Browell<br />
                          CEO Thunder VA<br />
// Show the News module, call the function ShowNewsFront
//	This is in the modules/Frontpage folder

    <div id="content-right">

<center><h3>Recent Reports</h3></center>
<?php MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?>
<center><h3>Newest Pilots</h3></center>
<?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?>

Well, sorry was going to be a quick run down instead I gave the main source. And all of this is on my frontpage_main.tpl file

Was I right in saying my div tags are wrong?


Might need floats.

Use the Firefox addon called "Firebug", you can do CSS changes on the fly and see quickly

I had one addon for firefox. i thought it was firebug but it is web developer. I will go grab firebug to for future useage. Thanks Nabeel.


Looking at your code, you need to be doing it like this:

<div id="content-left">
<div id="leftitem">
Content for one box
<div id="leftitem">
Content for a second box

This is because content-left is your left floated column, so if you have more than one content-left theres going to be more than one left column, so you have to have extra divs within the one column.


Ohhhh  ok I got ya now. I'll take a stab at that one here in a bit. Getting ready to run after some lunch now. I appreciate your replies and help on this one. Thx!


Well, I may just have to leave this be for now. I have tried it a million and one ways and I can not get it. It wont make or break my site, I just kind of like seperate blocks a bit better. I come from using portals on forums so I guess I just got used to it.

I'll keep trying as I have time and see how things go. Right now I have nothing setup local to test on as Xammp wont run on my pc for some reason.


Ok I was bent out of shape earlier for a few reasons and gave up on this for today. Sooooo since I just found out I do not have to work tomorrow afterall, I am going to get firebug  as suggested and mess with this until I am blue in the face.  ;D

I really do appreciate your guys help on this one trying to help me get my site in shape.


If you want 3 even columns then just do a Frontpage in Html first then change it to .tpl. that is how I did my site. some one wrote it in my own thread dealing with this.

So make a  new frontpage.html using tables do not edit the frontpage.tpl in the phpvms folder ;D. After you have it done the way you want then change it to frontpage.tpl and up load it to your skins folder.

I hope this helps.  http://vmac.info

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