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  • Administrators

Something odd is going on. Register on www.phpvms.net/test, and download your vma.ini from there, and if you can post a quick 10 minute flight for me, that'll be awesome.

  • Administrators

The entire thing is now working flawlessly. I fixed a few bugs, and I will make sure this is solid, and release it either on Friday or over the weekend.

A few notes:

Pilot Number: FULL number, INCLUDING the code (so VMA434). This is because FSACARS does not send me the CompanyICAO field, only the pilot ID field. I need both to lookup who you are.

Flight IATA: FULL number, INCLUDING the code (VMA654654). I can't look up a route without that code. The CompanyICAO field is not sent to me here either, and I don't know what airline a route belongs to without the code.

Registration: REQUIRED, or else I don't know what aircraft you used. Now that there are multiple aircraft of the same type, I can only look up the registration number reliably.

To send the PIREP, you click "Stop Log". It will ask to Accept or Decline. Click Accept. Then, click the "Flight Log" tab, then click "Send Log". It will ask to confirm; say yes, and it will send.

I'll have a patch over the weekend to fix errors which prevent the flights from showing, and to upload the code to use the registration data, and properly parse the Flight IATA. If you forget the code, I can "guess" which airline is it, but if it doesn't find the correct flight, then I can't do anything about it. There will be a "Edit PIREP" option, but it might not make this weekend's release, most probably the next one after (depends how much time I have this week).

Also, FSACARS loves to spontaneously stop working (properly). Deleting the fsacars.ini file and reinstalling (the latest 4.0.15 version) fixes the problems. You NEED to use the 4.0.15 because they have changed how data is send between the versions. Their documentation doesn't match either version, so I've picked apart how they send it in 4.0.15 since it is the latest.

  • Administrators

Thanks no problem, I'll get to that one next.

So hopefully you guys can wait till the weekend :D

If you want to test it out though, let me know.


I was just going to report this kind of problem myself. I was also getting a problem where I couldn't edit a route that I hadn't assigned the correct plane to. It woulldn't bring up the flight's information. Very happy to see it's already being fixed.

Another thing... on the aircraft registration I've had to name The planes differently to get more than one of each type of aircraft in. here's what I mean...

ICAO      Name/Type          Full Name            Registration

A320  A320-200 2  Airbus A320-200  VT-MPC

I tucked the "2" in Name/Type otherwise it wouldn't accept this plane, it gave an error that the plane was already in the database even though the registration numbers were different. Is that supposed to work like that?

  • Administrators

No, but it's been fixed in the build coming out this weekend. You'll be able to have the same types, and diff registrations. A bunch of bugs cropped up, but hang in there, another day or two.

The ability to edit PIREPs is also there.

FSACARS, bunch of bugs also fixed, I redid a bunch of the code. Make sure your airports are added as well.


And it continues.

    ezSQL (v2.03) Debug..

    Query [6] -- [sELECT * FROM phpvms_aircraft WHERE registration='B777-300 ']

    Query Result..

        (row)	int 0
        id	string 0
        icao	string 0
        name	string 0
        fullname	string 0
        registration	blob 0
        downloadlink	blob 0
        imagelink	string 0
        range	string 0
        weight	string 0
        No Results

If ezSQL has helped make a donation!?   

Still not importing. But information is in the database.

  • Administrators

The import aircraft are supposed to be the registration numbers, not the aircraft names, I updated the instructions on the page/docs.

Since it's in the database, you can just edit the schedule to the right aircraft. Next update, I'll change it to overwrite existing schedules.

Gah, I left debug text in there. Just patched that, it's upto version 458. Just update admin/modules/Import. But it doesn't make a difference.

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