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New Pilot List.


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I Did a new pilot list adapted of the FSACARS code.

This code need conect_db.Example


$hostName = "localhost";
$userName = "XXXXX";
$password = "XXXX";
$dbName = "XXXXX";

/* make connection to database */
mysql_connect($hostName, $userName, $password) or die("Unable to connect to host $hostName");
mysql_select_db($dbName) or die("Unable to select database $dbName");


/* Constants */
@define ("MYSQL_CONNECT_INCLUDE", "connect_db.php");		// MySQL database connection (a sample file is included)

/* Database connection */

/* Select all pilots */
$query = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots ORDER BY pilotid ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query);

/* Determine the number of pilots */
$number = mysql_numrows($result);

if ($number > 0) {
/* Print roster header 
   Change this HTML to fit your webpage layout */
print "<table>";
print "<tr>";
print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Primeiro Nome</b></font></td>";
print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Ultimo Nome</b></font></td>";
print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>País</b></font></td>";
print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Tempo de Voo</b></font></td>";
print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Hub</b></font></td>";
print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Total de Voos</b></font></td>";
print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Data de Ingresso</b></font></td>";
print "</tr>";

/* Get pilots info */
for ($i=0; $i<$number; $i++) {
     		$totalflights = mysql_result($result,$i,"totalflights");
     		$firstname= mysql_result($result,$i, "firstname");
     		$lastname= mysql_result($result,$i, "lastname");
     		$location = mysql_result($result,$i, "location");
     		$totalhours = mysql_result($result,$i, "totalhours");
     		$joindate = mysql_result($result,$i, "joindate");
     		$hub = mysql_result($result,$i, "hub");
	$id = mysql_result($result,$i, "pilotid");

     		/* Display roster entries */
     		print "<tr>";
     		print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$firstname</font></td>";
     		print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$lastname</font></td>";
     		print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$location</font></td>";
     		print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$totalhours</font></td>";
     		print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$hub</font></td>";
     		print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$totalflights</font></td>";
     		print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$joindate</font></td>";
     		print "</tr>";

print "</table>";

/* Print table footer */
print "<table>";
print "<tr><td><font face=Arial size=1 color=gray>Powered by Joaquim Vicente Felicio Alberico - http://www.voetamvirtual.net</font></td></tr>";
print "</table>";

/* Close the database connection */

If someone need some help call me.

If someone want's to see the pilot list you can see hear http://voetamvirtual.net/virtualairline/index.php/Pages/listadepilotos.

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You don't need to do all that.

Just call:

include '/path/to/core/codon.config.php';
$allpilots = PilotData::GetAllPilots();

foreach($allpilots as $pilot)
   // do stuff

Assuming you're not creating a module. Watch the API tutorial video too :)

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  • 1 year later...

Can I ask what document the second slab of code came from in the first post in this topic? I need it to change the pilot_list ORDER BY function, and I can't remember which file it was.

Many thanks

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