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Any website with phpvms that I try to go on loads really SLOW.

Other websites work fine.

I tried on:

afva.servegame.org - Australian Frontier

afva.servegame.org/pacific - Pacific Frontier

vhmrw.site90.com - My dev site

www.tnt-virtual.be - TNT Virtual

Any ideas?



  • Moderators

hello Nabeel i must say i have notised that the admin side is a bid slower since 815

loading time is a bit longer lets say arround 10 sec to get in the admin.

gr joeri

  • Administrators

Weird, it's nearly instant on the dev site. Are you on shared hosting?

There's a few "cron" processes which run (checking for retired pilots, etc) but those shouldn't have too much of an effect on speed. I'll see if I can spot anything specific by turning on slow query logging in mysql. Thanks

  • Administrators

May have found one source of the slowness, I was looking through the vacentral log in the log folder. I didn't implement the throttling code for va updates, so I'll implement that for the next update.

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