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Grey stuff on Live map, no icon...help!

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Hi im new at all this and dont have blody idea what im doing but im heading somewhere. Im dummy for codes, but somehow i managed site. Help needed urgent about whole thing. But, my problem is grey box instead of plane...maybe it has to do something with background or what? can someon contact me pls on mail mr.shiljo@gmail.com for helping me out on those scripts and everything, i want learn but its damn tough. thank you very much...


I did and absolutely nothing, i was trying another thing with my site...and i blew up everything...im just not good at coding knowledge to do some stuff...

For example...i want edit pages in web page maker, and i figure it out that i can use iframe...Just to remind you that my brain on this functioning on method of trying and failuring hehe...so...i want to have my own pages with links on iframes on each page...so i manage to do something about it...but...i want to put login on my index page...i want to get my map fixed, as it is terrible, grey boxes, and playne still shown...i must now reinstall all thing, so i will try again...ufff...my eyes are hurting, but im willing to do the best job for my virtua Croatia CARGO. Please help me about that codes...im in trouble with that...i can try to adjust it but as no knowledge at all i will spent whole year doing this hehe...Thank you all very much ;)


Thats liek you told me to build space shuttle...hehe kidding...It is in tutorials...i guess, but i need to know at least basics to make this...i just know to adjust allrerady mad e code...so i try and see what i change and so on ... hm...tuogh-...

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