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Good evening again,

as I'm trying to make my site as comfortable as possible I'm planning to add a search filter. Unfortunately I'm having great plans without having the right PHP knowledge (stupid, eh? ;)), so I have to rely on you as far as it is possible.

Well, the search filter should have a few functions. At first you should be able to search with different values.

Starting with entering a departure or a destination ICAO (e.g. EDDL would show all [every day] departures from Dusseldorf, just entering ED would show all departures out of Germany). The same for the destination. These two values combined should show a route between the two ICAOs.

Further on you should be able to restrict the search, as choosing a certain aircraft operating on this route and a restriction on the flightdays, too. All these values should be linked.

Example (1):

Departure: ED

Aircraft: 737-700 selected

Day: Tuesday

-> Should show all flights out of Germany operated by an 737 on Tuesday.

Example (2):

just A320 as aircraft selected

-> Should show EVERY flight operated with an A320.

So, every value should be usable on it's own but also linked with the others.

(As perfection there should be a sort function available for the schedule results. Like departuretime etc.)

At all this is just an idea, for which I didn't find a solution yet. I'm also not sure if it's possible to realise this "dream" with phpVMS, but I would love the one, who could show me.

I hope this request is not too high, but I really need help in such situations.

Have a nice evening

Kind regards from Germany

  • Administrators


There's a thread in the addons forum with a filter addon, perhaps he might take suggestions.

There's also in the docs how to do that programatically.



I found the doc refering to the topic, but at all I don't understand how to add the parameters. So, I guess it's all in this:

$params = array(

's.depicao' => array ('KJFK', 'LFPG'),

's.arricao' => array ('KBOS', 'KIAD'),

's.enabled' => 1,

But where exactly do I have to add these lines so that they will work?



  • Administrators


You're msising

$schedules = SchedulesData::findSchedules($params);

Further down where it says

'// You can then do:'

That's ane xample of how to process

or you can do

Template::Set('allroutes', $schedules);


which will shwo those schedules in that results template

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