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Hey guys! It's been an amazing journey here, we've truly felt like apart of the community for the past 2 years. We couldn't have done it without the help of all the developers and people here. As of today, March 1st, AALv.net has paid and received our own custom system to enhance our operations. Check out the new us @ AALv.net

Thanks for all the help guys, it's been great.

Good luck with future endeavors

Chase R

AALv.net CEO :)


I hope it works well for you backend because looking around the front it's very sloppy and unprofessional.

Also you hotlink images from other sites <_<

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Things I noticed browsing around:

- The main navigation items don't have any feedback suggesting interaction (hover state change etc) however the three items at the bottom of the homepage do, but do not have any interaction.

- The URLs aren't very pretty, they can easily be masked with a rewrite rule to be more friendly

- On shorter pages the footer is right up at the bottom of the content, it would look better fixed to the bottom of the window IMO

- Some of the images you've embedded straight from dropbox don't exist, i.e. http://aalv.net/?content=contact

- Clicking "Policies" on the nav opens a PDF in the same window rather than a new window (you've essentially lost the user now they'll be more likely to click off elsewhere).

- Recent flights & recent pilots aren't clickable, I'd expect that having used other VA sites

- Schedule search should probably be limited to airports you use so the user doesn't have to scroll through every airport known to man

- Some pages don't show any content: http://aalv.net/?con...event_view&id=5 or anything at all: http://aalv.net/base/book.php?id=1941


Why is there a big black rectangle on the homepage? Also the 737 in a single class layout can only take 189 passengers, not 215 as you claim it does. Your policies pdf has a few grammatical errors in it. Also the 757 in a single class layout can only take 228 passengers, not 239 as you state. I got those facts from Boeing's website. You are free to check them. TBH you should have fixed all those errors before releasing the new site, as they are not small errors.


Hey Strider,

That is where our promotional video is - that problem is probably on your side of the fence as it displays for most if not all



Also Ashley, if you could further re-iterate on that and please list what you think needs fixing.

Again thanks for the feedback guys, we'll be working on those! The new system we have is kinda vague

but we're learning slowly but surely. :lol:


Great! :)

We've fixed embedded images, moved all of the images to our server, set the target to blank for the Policies, recent flights and pilots now


Events now show content.

Thanks for the feedback, also feel free to give some suggestions on our promo vid. Thanks guys!! ^_^

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