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Hi, When i imported my timetable and the days of weeks is just Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Fridy. But i want the Saturday in, but according to the timetable it is inputed for 0123456 and i try 7 and it does not work. What is wrong with this.

Here's my timetable.

code flightnum depicao arricao route aircraft flightlevel distance deptime arrtime flighttime notes price flighttype daysofweek enabled

CS 100 CYYZ CYWG CSA-1 812.67 8:15AM 9:52AM 2.37 800 P 123456 1

CS 101 CYWG CYYZ CSA-1 812.67 10:45AM 12:09PM 2.24 821 P 123456 1

CS 102 CYYZ CYWG CSA-1 812.67 2:35PM 5:12PM 2.37 530 P 123456 1

CS 103 CYWG CYYZ CSA-1 812.67 6:05PM 9:54PM 2.24 625 P 123456 1

CS 105 CYYZ CYUL CSA-2 273.84 6:30AM 7:43AM 1.13 320 P 123456 1


In Excel (or whatever you're using to edit), right click the column and format cells. Then select the Text option.

Now you can just change the first to 0123456 and drag it down.. they should stay like that when you save.

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In Excel (or whatever you're using to edit), right click the column and format cells. Then select the Text option.

Now you can just change the first to 0123456 and drag it down.. they should stay like that when you save.

nope didn't work


Well your lack of detail didn't help there..

So they're not showing in the system when you import, even though they're in the csv? Strange.

You don't have to stick to those days though by the way, you can still fly a flight on Sunday if it isn't scheduled for Sunday.

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I believe the original problem stems from the fact that Excel does not keep the zeros, except when formatted as text, but if you save as CSV, it loses the formatting.

Perhaps, one of these may prove helpful. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLP_enUS352US352&q=forcing+excel+to+display+zero+in+a+cell

I got It! I just left it blank and it will put the whole week days.

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