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I have installed the fspassengers import add-on as per instructions on http://www.fspassengers.com/forum/read.php?f=1&i=7918&t=7918.

I have installed the tables that it creates into my phpvms database and two tables have been crated "flights" & "user_profile".

I am able to upload the pireps from fspassengers and the "flights" table gets populated with the pirep info so in that respect everything is working.

HOWEVER how to I get phpvms to recognise these two new tables that have been created ?

We are also connected to vacentral and pireps from smartcars is automatically uploaded to our phpvms database and website and I would like the same to happen with fspassengers pireps that are getting uploaded into the default created "flights" table.

Have searched high and low for an answer but cant seem to find one. only tutorials on adding the cgf file to the fspassengers/config_va folder which as I said that part is all working, just to get phpvms to read these tables ?????


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There is no need to install fspassengers in your phpVMS. phpVMS as CMS comes with the fspassengers configuration files installed. What you have to do is downloading the config file via yourwebsiteurl/action.php/acars/fspaxconfig

Then you will have open and place your password on the password field (i think it now states "none") and after that you have to follow the config installation instructions on your computer.

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