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We have inactive set to 45 days. However it does not place members inactive, even though some have not filed a priep is over 90 days. This is our current settings in the local.config

After how long to mark a pilot inactive, in days

Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', true);

Config::Set('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 45);

Posted (edited)

This happened to me a while back and decided to dig deeper into the code.

I have this working:

Go into core/common/PilotData.class.php and find the function findRetiredPilots() and replace it with this one (back it up first)

* Find and set any pilots as retired
* @return mixed This is the return value description
public static function findRetiredPilots() {

   $days = Config::Get('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME');
   if ($days == '') {
       $days = 90;

   $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pilots
           WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL  {$days} DAY) > `joindate`
           AND `totalflights` = 0
           AND `retired` = '0'

   $results = DB::get_results($sql);

   $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pilots
           WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL  {$days} DAY) > `lastpirep`
           AND `totalflights` > 0
           AND `totalflights` <= 1
           AND `retired` = '0'

   $results2 = DB::get_results($sql1);

   // messy but two queries, merge them both
   if (!is_array($results) && !is_array($results2)) {
       return false;
   } else {
       if (is_array($results) && is_array($results2)) {
           $results = array_merge($results, $results2);
       if (!is_array($results) && is_array($results2)) {
           $results = $results2;
   if (!$results) {
       return false;
   # Find the retired status
   $statuses = Config::get('PILOT_STATUS_TYPES');
   foreach($statuses as $retired_id => $status) {
       if($status['autoretire'] == true) {

   foreach ($results as $row) {
       // Set them retired
       self::updateProfile($row->pilotid, array('retired' => $retired_id));
       Template::Set('pilot', $row);
       $pilot_retired_template = Template::Get('email_pilot_retired.tpl', true, true, true);
       Util::SendEmail($row->email, Lang::get('email.pilot.retired.subject'), $pilot_retired_template);

What the original code is doing, is it's looking for any pilots who have logged in and have filed a PIREP before.

The updated code above checks the inactive time and cross-checks it with the "joindate" column in your database and checks if they have filed a PIREP or not.

Edited by web541

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