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Problems With Flights/Hours


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I have a problem with one pilots flights.In his profile it shows him at 25 flights with the rank of First Officer. If you look at the log book he should have around 75 flights. He has 113.52 hours which should give him the rank of Rank_5.gif

I have my logbook paginated @ 25 per page. I took the paginate page down and upload the the default template and still the same problem. So I know the pagination is not the problem.


When I look in the admin under his PIREPS, it only shows 25 PIREPS.

Another thing, he is the only one with this problem. I looked at mine an other pilots, everything matches. He files his PIREPS manually. All my ranks are set correctly, and I have rested the hours in the settings.


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Looks like they're all in the logbook. In the phpvms_pilots table, what's the number in the 'totalpireps' column?

And if you run:

SELECT COUNT(pirepid) FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE pilotid=HIS_PILOT_ID

Also something strange - the URL:


The ID is 154, but on the page it shows:

Pilot ID: AKA253

I guess you've entered an offset?

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I will check that out. The reason for the offset numbers, because we start at AKA100. That's the format we we used before phpVMS, so instead of changing every ones ID, I just changed the config to start at 100.

No problem there, seems like your offset is 99? But check the count of those two, see how they are? I might need to add a maintenance option to do a recount, not sure how they were off.

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No problem there, seems like your offset is 99? But check the count of those two, see how they are? I might need to add a maintenance option to do a recount, not sure how they were off.

Will that be in 2.1 Nabeel?

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No problem there, seems like your offset is 99? But check the count of those two, see how they are? I might need to add a maintenance option to do a recount, not sure how they were off.

That didn't work. In fact mostly everyone has been effected. I have 172 listed but only showing 20+ on my pirep view. I did have have the pirep_viewall.tpl paginated. Reverted just in-case that was the problem.

I ran this, and it exucuted correct, but had no effect.

SELECT COUNT(pirepid) FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE pilotid=1


Any ideas?

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