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Hello :-)

I recently started helping out with development for our VA. We use VMS 5.5. I tried desperatley to find documentation on various pages that i was led to, via the vms website or others.

Also many posts here in the forum dont seem to work. If i open the post it shows me an unformatted white page with broken entries (on all browsers). Can anyone lead me to the docu pls?

Would be nice.

Also im a bit confused by the version numbering. I see the website shows an VMS 3, what for some reason seems to be the more new version than 5.5?

Edited by Senchay
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I've noticed that if you scroll down - sometimes a long ways - the information is usually there. Not all of the info is complete though. If you can't find the info you're looking for, just ask in the forums and someone will usually help or point you in the correct direction. There is a wealth of knowledge in the membership here.

As for the version numbering - I believe version 2.1.x is probably the oldest. Version 5.5 came next and seems to be named/numbered to indicate it works with php version 5 or 5.5. Lastly, version 3 is the newest, as yet unreleased, version. 

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