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Unfortunately I did not know in which category this belongs, so off topic.

I'm trying to pass password changes and registrations to the WBB4 forum. I have already created a new function in "RegistrationData.class.php"

public static function ChangePasswordForum($pilotid, $newpassword) {
		#Find Firstname in phpvms DB
		$sql = 'SELECT firstname 
                FROM `'.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots` WHERE pilotid =\'' . $pilotid . '\'';
		$firstname = DB::get_results($sql);
		#load Forum Stuff
		require_once '../../forum-new.skyline-va.de/global.php';
		#Prepare Forum DB Search and execute
		$newpilotid = sprintf('%03d',$pilotid);
		$forumname = '{$newpilotid}_{$firstname}';
		$sql = "SELECT userid FROM `wcf1_user` WHERE username = '$forumname'";
		$statement = wcf\system\WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
		$row = $statement->fetchArray();
		$userid = $row['userid'];
		$userAction = new \wcf\data\user\UserAction(array($userid), 'update', array(
					'data' => array(
					'password' => '$newpassword',


in the Module Profile.php i have added the follow code above "RegistrationData::ChangePassword(Auth::$pilotid, $_POST['password1']);"

RegistrationData::ChangePasswordForum(Auth::$pilotid, $_POST['password1']);


Now the Problem:
When i now change my Password in phpvms i have an error from WBB4:

Sun, 14 Oct 2018 01:43:03 +0000
Message: PHP notice in file /var/www/vhosts/skyline-va.de/httpdocs/iCrew/core/common/PilotData.class.php (856): Trying to get property of non-object
File: /var/www/vhosts/skyline-va.de/forum-new.skyline-va.de/wcf/lib/system/WCF.class.php (309)
PHP version: 5.5.38
WCF version: 2.1.10 (Typhoon)
Request URI: /index.php/profile
Referrer: https://icrew.skyline-va.de/index.php/Profile/editprofile
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; SM-N950F Build/R16NW) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Mobile Safari/537.36
Information: ""
  #0 /var/www/vhosts/skyline-va.de/httpdocs/iCrew/core/common/PilotData.class.php(856): wcf\system\WCF::handleError(8, 'Trying to get p...', '/var/www/vhosts...', 856, Array)
  #1 /var/www/vhosts/skyline-va.de/httpdocs/iCrew/lib/skins/iCrew/profile_main.php(70): PilotData::getFieldValue('87', 'Profile Style')
  #2 /var/www/vhosts/skyline-va.de/httpdocs/iCrew/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php(238): include('/var/www/vhosts...')
  #3 /var/www/vhosts/skyline-va.de/httpdocs/iCrew/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php(181): TemplateSet->getTemplate('profile_main.ph...', false, true, false)
  #4 /var/www/vhosts/skyline-va.de/httpdocs/iCrew/core/classes/Template.class.php(82): TemplateSet->showTemplate('profile_main.ph...')
  #5 /var/www/vhosts/skyline-va.de/httpdocs/iCrew/core/classes/CodonModule.class.php(92): Template::show('profile_main.ph...')
  #6 /var/www/vhosts/skyline-va.de/httpdocs/iCrew/core/modules/Profile/Profile.php(66): CodonModule->render('profile_main.ph...')
  #7 [internal function]: Profile->index()
  #8 /var/www/vhosts/skyline-va.de/httpdocs/iCrew/core/classes/MainController.class.php(218): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
  #9 /var/www/vhosts/skyline-va.de/httpdocs/iCrew/index.php(70): MainController::RunAllActions()
  #10 {main}


I have Create a new php file on my Webserver to test the WBB4 Code:

require_once '../forum-new.skyline-va.de/global.php';

$username = 'XXXX';

		$sql = "SELECT userid FROM `wcf1_user` WHERE username = '$username'";
		$statement = wcf\system\WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
		$row = $statement->fetchArray();
		$userid = $row['userid'];
		$userAction = new \wcf\data\user\UserAction(array($userid), 'update', array(
					'data' => array(
					'password' => 'XXXXX',
		echo $userid, $username;

This Code works perfect to change the Password.


I don't find the error in my code or I'm too stupid to find him :)

is someone here who can help me with this and assist me with the existing registration and password changes to the WBB4?

I am also willing to pay something for the work.


Edit: PHPVMS version is 5.5 from Simpilot, WBB4 with WCF 2.1


Best Regards,

Edited by Sovereign

exactly. my goal is that after the registration in the phpvms automatically the user in the forum is created with pilot number, first name and password. Password changes which should then be made in the phpvms then forwarded to WBB.

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