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VMS Acars - 08/22 Build


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  • VMS Acars 08/22 Build - Version 1.0.1908221708
  • phpVMS install updated to latest build from 8/22 (7.0.0+190822.6018a6)
  • P3D v4.3

This build appears to have corrected the "Error sending PIREP update, retrying, Too Many Attempts", as none were encountered. 👌👍

See attached zip for pics.... KIAH-KDAL B738 FL180

  • Log.jpg
  • Start Taxi - Landing lights on below 10k - landing lights were off - speed was below 20 kts
  • Started Takeoff - Strobes on while in flight - still taxiing below 20 kts and on ground - 
  • Thrust reverse enabled below 60kts - I was testing to see if it flagged it - works
  • Crossing above 10,000 feet - Landing lights off above 10k' - they were on above 10k - works probably doesn't need the 500' inbuilt delay as we can set an altitude for the violation to occur (maybe 11k in climb and 9k in descent)
  • Landing lights turned on - no flag below 10k - lights were turned on at 4000' MSL
  • Strobes on while taxiing - flagged after clearing runway and below 30 kts - maybe this needs a delay before flagging
  • Summary 1 / Summary 2 pics added for review

Landing lights and strobes violation - possible change

  • If landing lights violation is flagged during takeoff, instead of "Landing lights on below 10k" (which is not a violation), should say OFF
  • If landing lights violation is flagged above 10k, should say "Landing lights on above 10k"
  • Strobes - may be better to set to 40-ish knots or greater for violation and possibly have a time delay after landing to allow aircraft to clear runway


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Under Log.jpg

Start Taxi - Landing lights on below 10k - landing lights were off - speed was below 20 kts

- When taxiing, got error "Landing lights on below 10k", the landing lights were off and taxi speed was below 20 kts. This shouldn't be a violation while on ground and below 20 kts. 

On second set of bullet points - just suggestions. As is now, if a violation occurs, it states what to do rather than whwt the violation was. If I don't have landing lights on while below 10k, it should state that "Landing lights off below 10k" as the violation - not imply what to do to rectify the violation.

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