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Hello ,

I don't speak English, but am then French sorry for" no perfect translation ". :mellow:

There is a bugg in the stake has day 928: all plans of flights in the page shedulle disappeared, it is also impossible to import the plans of flights. This in the part "admin "

Some pilot centers in the part, it is impossible to be able to choose his/her/its plan of flight, because the also the plans of flights are not displayed more.

I have verify, the basis of PHP data contains all plans of flights well, and it is therefore about an important problem, bus if the reading of the plans of flights became impossible and it is also noted that the management of the plans of the flights is not more possible.

Thank you to help us, because I think of not being the only one in this case.

Good flight has all :)

  • Administrators

Hi Dom,

Did you read the changelog and update your templates?

If so, would you mind giving me a FTP login to your site so I can take a look to see what's happening?


Hi Dom,

Did you read the changelog and update your templates?

If so, would you mind giving me a FTP login to your site so I can take a look to see what's happening?

The changelog and update my templates NO , I am going to try to understand the modifications brought.

For tranfert FTP, no it is not for the meantime possible, because for all bets them day, I test them in local before doing the final tranfert on our site. Therefore our site functions again with the previous version.

For Info www.ifr.webou.net

I come back toward you if I don't arrive done the modifications, a pity that there is not a French translation for the installation of the PHPVMS update, because every time me galley for the install of the stake has day.

Cordially in a friendly way


Compilez une copie de votre phpVMS et l'envoyez á Nabeel.

(Compile a copy of your phpVMs and send it to Nabeel, pehaps?)

Ah yes good idea, but provided that Nabeel is okay!

and in this case, I need an address courriel where to send the compil. Therefore I will so only make Nabeel is okay, I imagine that if everybody made as me he/it would be overflowed quickly with work.

I propose a different solution, because I don't understand or of the less I don't see what it is necessary to change in the tremplates, the reading of changelog doesn't inquire or I am cannot be gifted enough for the interpretation of the translation. Then if a member could bring me his/her/its light in French, it I would be certainly of a big help.

Ben otherwise it is not serious the version 854 steps so pain. To note that we don't have the bugg anymore with FsAcars, because we found how to unblock it when he/it makes his/its caprice in the consignment of the report.

" It is necessary to keep a .dat file that is not to truncate and to use it when FsAcars blocks and FsAcars refonctionne then correctly "


Hello , Nabeel and Kieran

Very very thank you , Kieran , for your help in French and your time for me!

Donc en français , voici mon souci. Quand je fais la mise a jour 928 , je perd l'affichage de l'ensemble de nos plans de vols et routes aériennes, que ce soit dans la gestion admin ou pilotes. Evidemment j'ai vérifié que ma base de données ne soit vide "shedulles" , mais tout va bien tous mes plans de vols sont bien conservés dans la base de données.

Dans la gestion "admin " j'ai bien essayé d'importer mes plans vols , que j'avais conservés en format .CSV , mais rien , impossible. D'où l'appelle a l'aide !

Cependant au vu des explications de Nabeel , il semble que certaines modifications doivent être réalisé par le gestionnaire du site PHPVMS, et si j'ai bien compris sur les pages tremplates , et que les renseignements sur ce sujet sont dans le chancelog ; mais j'ai beau effectué la traduction , je ne comprends pas quels sont les pages tremplates a modifier et comment le réalisé. Je présume que la traduction n'est pas assez technique et que c'est pour cela que je suis perdu.

Si vous pouviez , me donner un exemple de modification sur une page seulement , je pourrais peut être comprendre le reste du changelog.

J'avoue qu'a chaque mise a jour je galère beaucoup , et je pense que je n'ai pas compris toute la logique des mises a jour PHPVMS et si vous pouviez m'aider dans ce sens , pour après je l'espère ne plus ennuyer avec mon incompétence informatique , j'en serai très heureux.

Merci de votre soutien



Hello ,

Je viens d'essayer la version 930 , mais le problême reste entier , impossible de gerer les plans de vols. Help me :(

I have just tried the version 930, but the problême remains whole, impossible to manage the plans of flights. Help me :(

Merci Thank you


PS: To note that I am located at the Réunion island, Indian Ocean and that we have a jet lag with you! A noter que je me situe à l'île de Réunion , Ocean indien et que nous avons un décalage horaire avec vous !


Hello , URGENT if he/it pleases you

Sorry I don't speak English and I use a translator ,

someone can repair you him the problems If he/it pleases you, our basis of management doesn't function anymore since the stake has day 930.

French :

Quelqu'un peut t'il réparer le problemes S'il vous plait , notre base de gestion ne fonctionne plus depuis la mise a jour 930 .



We have the same problem that kevin7898



Notre site : www.ifr.webou.net

URGENT if he/it pleases you, it is a big worry for our company! Thank

URGENT if he/it pleases you


Hello ,

I managed alone since no one answers.

I succeeded has make operate the shedulles correctly while replacing the "SchedulesData.class.php" file.

To replace the "SchedulesData.class.php" file of the version 930, by the "SchedulesData.class.php" file of the version 854 in the "Core / Commons" and the tour is played.

I hope to help a lot of between you


  • Administrators

Hello ,

I managed alone since no one answers.

I succeeded has make operate the shedulles correctly while replacing the "SchedulesData.class.php" file.

To replace the "SchedulesData.class.php" file of the version 930, by the "SchedulesData.class.php" file of the version 854 in the "Core / Commons" and the tour is played.

I hope to help a lot of between you


That's going to break ALOT of things. There's a few other threads too, did you look through those?

Like I said, I need those log files to see if there's anything wrong in there

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