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Hi there,

I am using Mark Swan's crew center and CCFTracker to track flights at my VA. However, the live ACARS map on the dashboard does not function as expected. I get all information listed for flights  except altitude (which reads 0) and all flights on the map show up at roughly 0,0. Screenshot attached. I have not made any modifications to the relevant files. https://ibb.co/ZfPhvdH

Please note that I have not included the information bar in the photo to protect the privacy of my pilots.



  • Moderators

It can't be populating that data. Have you got/done any modifications to the acarsmap.php file or the ACARSData.class.php file? I would compare your files to the original/default files for differences.

Also, you're not really protecting privacy when I can simply go to http://crew.tcxvirtual.com/index.php/acars and see your pilots flying anyway. I would look at implementing better privacy measures such as not showing that page unless logged in, or limit it to only show first name only.


  • Administrators

When most ACARS programs connect to the site it will show the aircraft at 0°/0° because it doesn't have a valid starting airport yet. Once a flight is selected with valid depart/arrive airports in the ACARS client, it will usually show the depart/arrive airports and a straight line between them - or a route if the user entered it into the ACARS program.

I have to agree with @shakamonkey88 about the pilot names. At a minimum, restrict pilot names to first name and first initial of last name - along with their pilot number. Or restrict the page access.


  • Moderators

Yes, you need to check what it displays when a pilot is actually flying. In some ACARS systems, if a pilot has the acars program open but is not actually flying, it will show them on the acars map at a lat/long of 0°/0° and as they're not flying, their alt and speed will be 0 and 0. If you looked at their status/phase of flight, I believe it says something like "just chatting" or "chatting".


I would advise that you yourself do a flight and see what your acars map shows for yourself rather than waiting around for one of your pilots.

For reference, I know that kacars does this. SmartCARS doesn't. Personally, I find it really annoying that kacars shows someone on the map when they simply have the acars open (doesn't even need their sim to be open!), but I've since ditched kacars and reverted back to SmartCARS. Patiently waiting for the new version of SmartCARS to release...



I've done the leaflet upgrade just so you know. I was checking periodically, and even when the flight phase was in cruise, they were still at 0/0 with an altitude of 0, although their speed showed a correct value.

As for the privacy, I have been making all of the pages log in only, but every so often one comes up which I've missed!!!

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