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Guest lorathon
  On 4/28/2010 at 9:17 PM, pivirtual said:


Will Xplane work with phpVMS? My VA is considering to add xplane to the operation due to Microsoft issues. Thanks

Just curious but what Microsoft issues?


I've heard people have successfully got some FS addons to work with X-Plane using XPUIPC.


I don't have a clue if it works or not because I don't use X-Plane. There was a user on the VaFinancials website that said he got their ACARS client working with X-Plane and a couple FS Addons using that module but I will never be able to prove it.

Just thought I'd share.;)

  • 1 month later...
  On 4/28/2010 at 9:17 PM, pivirtual said:


Will Xplane work with phpVMS? My VA is considering to add xplane to the operation due to Microsoft issues. Thanks

Hello there,

Global is offering a server for all pilots to use. works with Xplane.

For more info contact me at flyGDS@gmail.com



We have FS9, FSX & X-Plane users on Windows & Mac and XACARS works with all of them. As for X-Plane itself, it is so much what FSX COULD have been if Microsoft had done a decent job. Undulating runways, lush landscapes.... drooooooooool. Havent made the full switch myself but its coming and you can convert some FS products to work with x-plane, but also like FS, there is a growing library of freeware developers.

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What's up with FS nowadays anyway, wasn't Aerosoft working on something, and didn't alot of the FS team get back together?

  On 6/6/2010 at 9:56 PM, Nabeel said:

What's up with FS nowadays anyway, wasn't Aerosoft working on something, and didn't alot of the FS team get back together?

The big sticking point is Budget, Where as Microsoft could plunder millions into development, independents cant. If the ex-microsoft team do anything it will just be tweaks to FSX as opposed to a new sim.


Hi everyone !

I was a FSX specialist for the French community but I switched to X-Plane 9 months ago...

The main reason ?

Dev discontinuity, expensive addons and lack of realism on prop aircrafts (real pilots know what I am talking about...)

So, I will not take over the long pros and cons about FS and X-Plane but I'll just tell you what I usually hear and how I react :

1. If you are a scenery lover, then X-Plane is probably not for you but...

X-plane is not as eye candy as FSX (terrain textures) but honestly, you have 5DVD of terrain mesh (7GB each) so pretty accurate !!!

2. Default airports don't have buildings on X-Plane but...

You can find almost anything on X-plane.org and google. You can even convert sceneries from FS to X-Plane (but results are not always perfect...)

3. X-Plane don't have much good modeled planes...

Totally, untrue !!! Several projects like X737 or A320 FBW are totally amazing and will cost you... NOTHING !!!

4. There is no support for Online flights...

WHAT ??? Of course there is ! check out IVAO and VATSIM !

5. X-Plane aircrafts handle weird compared to FS...

Well... Stop living in wonderland... Have you ever been in a C172SP for real ? Have you never felt like in a shaker with low altitude clouds ? laugh.gif

X-Plane simulates every bits of wind and air around your aircraft so... You're closer to reality than you ever will !

In fact, FS relies on aircraft.cfg and aircraft.air to determine how the plane is supposed to react and with a bit of crosswind, FS will tell you how the plane will react in those conditions but does not calculate any air flow (that's why you don't have turbulences and wake turbulences...)

X-Plane will also rely on config parameter but also on airfoils (wings profile), it will calculate how air is behaving around the aircraft so everything environmental effects simulated will be taken into account by the sim... So, result will be more accurate as long as the aircraft model design and info are accurate !

A bad modeled plane in X-plane will be the same piece of crap as in FS...

I hope my POV helped and that it will bring you objective info on X-Plane !!!

Cheers ! laugh.gif

  On 6/9/2010 at 2:45 PM, Nabeel said:

What about ATC/AI Traffic?

To be honest, ATC is rubbish...

But there is a plugin called X-Traffic for X-plane enabling real world flights AI... But limited...

So, ATC/AI is clearly not a positive aspect if you wish to fly offline !

  On 6/9/2010 at 3:03 PM, CrashGordon said:

I'll stick with FSX. I've got over $1000 in hardware that won't work with X-Plane, and software...lets just say that my FSX folder is almost 140 GB in size. Much too large an investment to throw away.

What hardware ?

TrackIR, joysticks and third party hw are working with X-Plane...

Project magenta is even supported by XUIPC and X-plane...

  On 6/9/2010 at 3:23 PM, maxwaldorf said:

What hardware ?

TrackIR, joysticks and third party hw are working with X-Plane...

Project magenta is even supported by XUIPC and X-plane...

Three Saitek panels and six Saitek gauges.

  On 6/9/2010 at 10:11 PM, maxwaldorf said:

Maybe you could see this topic... SAITEK Plugin.

From what I can see, it might work with the 3 panels, but not the gauges. Disregarding the hardware issue, I looked at all the videos on the X-plane site. They all looked fuzzy and had anti-aliasing problems. The same with the screen shots. Also, the clouds generated are...boring. If I am going to do a 12 hour flight, I'd really like to have something worth looking at. I'll stick with FSX. Its scenery may not be the best in all parts of the world, but at least it includes the entire world.



Give a look to this LINK... (in french)

As for clouds... REX is available for X-plane now...

Have you seen the

project ?

Anyway, I am just trying to bring info to FSX users not forcing them to go on an other sim... The choice remains theirs !

It's just I see so many people with bad convictions... rolleyes.gif

Cheers !

  On 6/10/2010 at 7:44 AM, maxwaldorf said:


Give a look to this LINK... (in french)

As for clouds... REX is available for X-plane now...

Have you seen the

project ?

Anyway, I am just trying to bring info to FSX users not forcing them to go on an other sim... The choice remains theirs !

It's just I see so many people with bad convictions... rolleyes.gif

Cheers !

At least the CRJ video looks like it was done on a modern computer. :)


It's cheap enough, so I'll take a look at it. There is a free demo, but demos never tell the whole story. The only thing I can't figure out is with scenery coverage only to the 70s, what happens if you fly a transpolar route?

  On 6/10/2010 at 3:54 PM, CrashGordon said:

It's cheap enough, so I'll take a look at it. There is a free demo, but demos never tell the whole story. The only thing I can't figure out is with scenery coverage only to the 70s, what happens if you fly a transpolar route?

Demo gives you access to LOWI aera... and full aerodynamics for 10min...

As for terrain coverage, the 5DVD sceneries DVD cover from -90 to +90 lat and -180 to +180 long so...

You have to test and see... If you have more questions, then !


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