goran298 Posted December 10, 2008 Report Posted December 10, 2008 This is what I want... In the admin site: Up and download (upload zip, pdf and img files) In the pilot area: Upload and download (upload video and img files, download zip and pdf files) if you add this things we can have a "laste screen shots" and last "video" site for our pilots... I will also have a function like tourn the site "off" when we are working on the site. Quote
GLG1002 Posted December 22, 2008 Report Posted December 22, 2008 Hello! I'm new on this system but bealive me that I'm impresioned. =) EXCELLENT JOB My request, that I think that will be a excellent implove, will be the idea of implove a exam system to promote from ranks. With exam questions that in the admin panel we can edit as administrators. Have a time setted to do the exam, for example, 15 minutes to report the exam, then that the system, automaticly verifly the exam and if it's good, promote to the next rank, if not, that send an e-mail to a member that says the exam result and invites he to reapplicate to do the exam. It will be good if: - You give the posibilty to the administrators to set he the exam questions - You give the posibity to the administrators to set he the exam time to do - If you integrates it with the statics showing the last promoted pilots and their ranks. In the system you need to give the posibity to upload images for the questions. The exam format will be good if you fix a multiple choice system for reply the question. With A/B/C/D and maybe E option to select. Will be good if the system will automaticly verifly the exam. Another thing that will be good, is if you add the posibity to send emails to the members automaticly when you will be registred for first time, with a welcome message that the admins, in the admin panel will can edit. Also, when an admin change the password or something else of the profile. When the user has been promoted to a new rank... etc. In general give more interactivity with the user. Another idea will be good if you study Joomla 1.5 process, and you integrates the users profiles and registration with this. Some many airlines use Joomla 1.5 for their websites and will be good if you give he the posibity to integrates more this system with it with a Component for Joomla 1.5 maybe, plugin or something else. Another good feature is if you implove a fleet damage when the aircraft has been used much. It will be very cool. So, add something in the statics of the VA. Another idea will be good if you add the posibity to implove in the scheduling system the feature of upload a loadsheet in pdf format to download for the member use. And the same for the IvAp/SquawkBox/FSInn flight plan. And a FMC route if it is applicable. Maybe this will give to a member much realism in the order to schedul a flight. If you add the posibity to send all scheduled information by e-mail to the member in the moment that he schedule the flight, will be good. Another idea, will be good if you add a NOTAM system for pilots advisory. Also, a simple Weather system that shows METAR/TAF of the departure/destination airports + alternative airports in route. Also, add the field of alternative aiport to set up in the schedule system so, will be more realistic if you give to the pilot all information, not just only the dep + arrival airport and route + flight number. Well.. I think that it's all for now... I know that it is a lot of work. If you need my help with anything, don't hestate to contact me and with whatever I can I will can help you. Also, if you want that I translate the system to spanish lenguage, I will can do it. So, I'm from Argentina and I know how to meets spanish (or this I do all days =)) Well, that's all. Only to says that it's a impresionant system and that if you implove more changes, will be the best system that we have on the virtual aviation magnament systems for now =) Cheers! Quote
Administrators Nabeel Posted December 22, 2008 Author Administrators Report Posted December 22, 2008 Thanks for the ideas guys, and welcome aboard! I'm looking into exams - it would be somewhat complicated to integrate into ranks, and not all VAs will use them. But perhaps they can be tied into a separate system for ratings, where a certain rating can only be achieved with a certain rank. However, this won't be coming for a while, I'm still considering it. Welcome messages, emails for ranks, etc, I like those ideas! I will add them to my list when I revise it this week. As for downloads, I'm working on something. A few things are under wraps still I have a few surprises up my sleeve. Statistics, those are also coming. I'm revamping alot of backend code in the admin panel, since it's a bit of a mess. Once those are done, alot of improvements to stats, etc are coming into the picture, along with financial information. I'm prototyping that information. Quote Also, a simple Weather system that shows METAR/TAF of the departure/destination airports + alternative airports in route. Those are included if you look at a schedule page. Updates will be spaced out more now, since work is picking up and I get less time nowadays to code. But rest assured, I haven't forgotten. Also, if you guys can sign your names, that would be great. I like to know everyone at least by name. Quote
GLG1002 Posted December 22, 2008 Report Posted December 22, 2008 Nabeel, That's excellent to hear you =) My name is Alex Martínez Parera, if you need any help with something you can MP me or add me to your MSN, my MSN is alex.martinez.parera@hotmail.com we can meet for something. I will help you translating the system to spanish. For first Cheers, Quote
Administrators Nabeel Posted December 22, 2008 Author Administrators Report Posted December 22, 2008 Thanks Alex! I was looking into the possibility of different languages, but since there are templates, they can be translated by whoever needs. But if I offer it natively in the future, I'll be sure to let you know. Quote
GLG1002 Posted December 22, 2008 Report Posted December 22, 2008 Nabeel, ok, that's ok, I will send you by email a pack with all translated to spanish, for if you want to use. Please says me to what e-mail I can send you? So, I finished it now, and I want to send you Cheers, Quote
Administrators Nabeel Posted December 22, 2008 Author Administrators Report Posted December 22, 2008 I won't use it just yet in the offical, once the text and localization is finalized, then we can step through and do it, but I saw in your screenshot before you did the admin panel. Looks great. However (you're gonna kill me!), in this next build all of the templates have changed for the admin panel (I changed around how it works). After this build, it won't change much, and then we can go from there. For the front-end, if you can zip up those templates and add them into the Addon forum for whoever needs them, that'll be excellent. Thanks! Quote
GLG1002 Posted December 22, 2008 Report Posted December 22, 2008 Ok Nabeel, that's good I will prepare a zip to upload it to my server to download. I will says you something. It's about the lenguage configuration. I think that will be good if in your next release change the lenguage file organization and replace the actual system (tradicional) by a new system that you save all strings or phrases or something else that you will want to use as variables on a independent php file maybe called "lenguage.inc.php" and into this, you put every variable as text that will appear into the webpage. ¿Why this? So simple, so fo example, as I says you, I'm working on Spanish translation, then, if you simplify me the work getting me a "lenguage file" on when I will can replace every phrase that the website shows, will be so pretty for me. Not only for me, for other persons that wants to help you translating the site to another lenguages, maybe chenese, duch, french, portugues... etc. Well be good if you give they a file when that they will can modify the lenguage settings much clean that touching all source code. That's all I think... I this hours I think much about the system and I think that if someone works much will be a good system for all, belive me that this have future. I will promote this into the spanish speakers airlines into VATSIM and IVAO networks but first I need to have all finished and have more features added to the system. ¿What about the integration with Joomla or another CMS with a brige or something else? So, it will be a great publicity. I think that if you give the posibity to integrates the system with a direct CMS much more airlines (in latinoamerica as I know), will try this system. So, as I know, there are many airlines that have FSAcars as system to reports but they don't have integrated to their websites because it's so difficult and on SATA Virtual Forum don't says nothing about the integration with CMS's. So, if we do it will be a great goal for Latinoamerica at least so I will start to promote the system. Then, if you want to open a spanish forum on the forum board for help the spanish members/airlines, I will can help you with it too Cheers, I wait your reply Quote
Administrators Nabeel Posted December 23, 2008 Author Administrators Report Posted December 23, 2008 Integration with another system - it's always a possibility, but personally I'm not familiar with any other systems enough to do this. I'm busy with adding features, etc fixes as well, so it's alot for me to do, especially in the limited time and resources I have. Sometime in the future, perhaps. As for using string tables, it's very complex. It would involve thousands of strings, along with backend code to parse them. It would be difficult to convert people now over to string tables as well, since there are many templates which have already been modified (I'm afraid to even make small changes since it's a big headache to move over to custom templates). I figured modifying the front-end templates would serve well for doing basic translations of the site. I was planning on doing a dual version, but the person who had volunteered to translate disappeared. For the backend, it's much more complex (the admin panel I mean), it changes (hopefully not too often after this next update), and already making changes at this point are difficult. Including string tables just makes more work for me when needing to change things up. I'm not sure that there is too much english in the admin panel to understand what is happening/what to do. The front-end is where that matters, and the ability to modify the templates I figured will cover that need somewhat. As for being finished, there won't be a point anytime in the near future where I can call it 'finished'. I have alot of plans which are still under wraps... development will go on well into the future, depending on how much time I have. Quote
UAVCEO Posted December 27, 2008 Report Posted December 27, 2008 I have a new request. Something to do with schedules. Either an area to request a new route or some way to overwrite previous route. (something easier than manually editing them) I won't mind if either of these aren't possible at the moment, but I just had the thought. Quote
Administrators Nabeel Posted December 27, 2008 Author Administrators Report Posted December 27, 2008 Quote I have a new request. Something to do with schedules. Either an area to request a new route or some way to overwrite previous route. (something easier than manually editing them) I won't mind if either of these aren't possible at the moment, but I just had the thought. You'll be able to overwrite with an import file if that's what you're looking for. Quote
UAVCEO Posted December 29, 2008 Report Posted December 29, 2008 That would be just fine with me. Quote
UAVCEO Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 That would be nice, but I figured out a way to do something similar already. Quote
UAVCEO Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 Quote You'll be able to overwrite with an import file if that's what you're looking for. Just checking, but are you able to overwrite a flight with the same flight number? Quote
Administrators Nabeel Posted December 30, 2008 Author Administrators Report Posted December 30, 2008 Yep Quote
UAVCEO Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 Good. Thank you. That would be extremely helpful to my VA. Quote
UAVCEO Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 One final thing, there should be a way to delete a PIREP. (If I needed to do a test PIREP to check something, but don't want it to count for my hours, I would want to dispose it responsibly) Quote
Wayne Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 I agree with that, also sometime i may accidentally refresh the page and have double reports....so admin deleting a pirep would be great!! Also i was thinking it would be really cool if you could make hub managers that would have certain access to somethings...Such as their hub they are managing along with access to that hubs pireps to accept or reject, aircraft and schedules for that specific hub. You don't want them to have access or most people don't want them to have full access because of news, or other information that does not need to be let out...So i think that would be great if the hub managers would have a ceratin panel to access like the admin. Quote
Administrators Nabeel Posted December 30, 2008 Author Administrators Report Posted December 30, 2008 Well on the PIREPS, there's an option to view pireps just for the hub of the person who is logged in. As for the other thing, that involves a lot of permissions being added in.. that's not really a priority at this point since it'll eat away at the time for doing other things. Quote
Wayne Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 Thats cool whatever is best for you then! ;D Quote
davehardy Posted January 3, 2009 Report Posted January 3, 2009 Pilot Location adding for Scotland with the flag please Quote
Administrators Nabeel Posted January 3, 2009 Author Administrators Report Posted January 3, 2009 There's no Scotland? Wow. I had downloaded an icon package. What's the 2 letter country code for it? Quote
UAVCEO Posted January 3, 2009 Report Posted January 3, 2009 Scotland's flag is in the package, but it doesn't have a code, it's just "Scotland." I believe the code is SF, though Quote
Administrators Nabeel Posted January 4, 2009 Author Administrators Report Posted January 4, 2009 Weird, it's not listed on the country list I used. I think it's because it's included in the UK. So I added: Scotland, England, European Union, Catalonia, and Wales Quote
Wayne Posted January 4, 2009 Report Posted January 4, 2009 This is just a thought and kinda a question but would it just be eaiser to make a new "admin panel" for hub managers only. So say when someone signs in that you select to be a hub manager in the pilot groups or something like that they have a admin panel for the specific hub they will be looking over....aka working on routes/schedules, aircraft, and other things hub managers would do? Cause if i want to have hub managers i don't want to have 5 different people accessing that main admin panel... Quote
Administrators Nabeel Posted January 4, 2009 Author Administrators Report Posted January 4, 2009 Nah, I'm not making a separate panel. I'll see what I can do, it'll most likely be groups based. Quote
maxwaldorf Posted January 5, 2009 Report Posted January 5, 2009 For thoses who like skinning, it could be great to change width height size other than from the tpl... Also, change the number of zero in the pilotid (but already asked I guess !) Cheers Quote
Administrators Nabeel Posted January 6, 2009 Author Administrators Report Posted January 6, 2009 Quote For thoses who like skinning, it could be great to change width height size other than from the tpl... Also, change the number of zero in the pilotid (but already asked I guess !) Cheers You can change this, the docs haven't been updated yet. It's in your local.config.php, under PILOTID_LENGTH: http://www.phpvms.net/docs/configuration_settings#configuration_settings As for the other thing, you can change all those in your stylesheets using CSS from your skin. Quote
maxwaldorf Posted January 6, 2009 Report Posted January 6, 2009 Sorry Typo... I wanted to change easily size of google map for new skins... As for the "0" in pilot ID you said you include the feature so, that not a request anymore Other request : Language files so we can switch languages... (in V2 I guess ;D ) : Cheers ! Quote
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