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Hey all,

I been serching for php codes to dislay the airline's stats.


total pilots

total flights

total flights today

total flight tours

total pax carried

total flight miles

total schedules

If you are willing to share it here, I would be happy and i would give you one point.

Maybe this board can go to code spinets.


  • 2 weeks later...

I did, i stillcan't find it

Hey bud... it's all in the core\local.config.php file. You can pull them out of there. Here is how I have it on the sidebar of my frontpage_main.tpl

<p><strong>Total Pilots: <?php echo StatsData::PilotCount(); ?></strong></p>
<p><strong>Total Flights Flown: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalFlights(); ?></p>
<p><strong>Total Aircraft: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalAircraftInFleet(); ?></p>
<p><strong>Total Hours Flown: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalHours(); ?></p>
<p><strong>Passengers Carried: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalPaxCarried(); ?></p>
<p><strong>Fuel Burned (lbs.): </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalFuelBurned(); ?></p>
<p><strong>Miles Flown: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalMilesFlown(); ?></p>
<p><strong>Total Flights Today: </strong><?php echo StatsData::totalflightstoday(); ?></p>
<p><strong>Total Schedules: </strong><?php echo StatsData::totalschedules(); ?></p>

The results come up like this:

Total Pilots: 8

Total Flights Flown: 28

Total Aircraft: 314

Total Hours Flown: 42.06

Passengers Carried: 2746

Fuel Burned (lbs.): 44958

Miles Flown: 32357

Total Flights Today: 1

Total Schedules: 628

Of course, the numbers will be different on your site...Enjoy B)

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