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Ok I just noticed something really weird. We gave 6 airlines(wings). Our pilots can fly any flights even from other wings. when a pilot flies a flight another airline(wing) it tacks on the airline(wing)Id to the pilots pirep. I.E. my pilot Id is VMC0001, If I fly flight 56V1001 it will show the pirep with the pilot ID as 56V0001. It still gives me the hours under my VMC0001 id. and it shows in my list of pireps on my pilot center. Any Ideas?

Guest lorathon

If you are talking about in the admin pirep_processed.tpl it is just in the template. It can be easily changed.

I changed the reference to

$pilotinfo = PilotData::GetPilotData($pirep->pilotid);

I then changed the Pilot# firstname lastname reference to the following

<?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilotinfo->code, $pirep->pilotid) . ' - ' .$pirep->firstname .' ' . $pirep->lastname;?>

I think it was originally like this

<?php echo $pirep->code.$pilotid?>


Oh it's showing it in the wrong column you mean?

no what it does is when I look at all pireps in admin, it has given the wrong PID. It also show the wrong PID on my front page under recent Pireps.It is assigning the airline id to the beginning of the PID. In Other words. IF I fly another airlines(wing) schedule it will show the Wing Id in front of my id number. exp. my pilot id is VMC0001, but if I fly a scheduel that is listed with the 1956thVMAW (56V) it will put the put my PID as 56V0001 not VMC0001. It still give me credit for the flight though.

Guest lorathon

Please see my post above. This is the way to change that. It is pulling the code from the pirep. The code lookup needs to come from the pilot information.

We had the same problem. Changing this is the templates solved the issue. You can not use the code reference from the PIREP.

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