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Registration / Adding Fleet / Adding Airports Errors

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I have received reports that when a user tries to register with the site it gives them the following error: Unknown column 'lastip' in 'field list'


When i try to add an aircraft i fill out all of the fields correctly and it says "There is an Error when adding aircraft"


When I try to add an Airport it adds but i can not see it in the Add/Edit Airport page.

If anyone knows how to fix this that would be great.


Austin C



Ok, This is what is inside the checkdb.php


include '../core/codon.config.php';




<title>phpVMS Install Checker</title>


body { font-family: "Lucida Grande" , Verdana, Geneva, Sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 1.8em; }

span { font-weight: bold; }

.style1 { color: #F60; font-size: x-large; filter: DropShadow(Color=#000, OffX=5, OffY=5, Positive=10); }

.style2 { font-size: small; }




<strong><span class="style1">phpVMS</span> <span class="style2">Virtual Airline Administration Software</span></strong><br />

<strong>Database Check</strong>

<br /><br />


function error($title, $txt)


echo "<span style=\"color: red\">[{$title}]</span> {$txt}";


function success($title, $txt)


echo "<span style=\"color: #006600\">[{$title}]</span> {$txt}";


/* Check database */

$db = simplexml_load_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/structure.xml');

foreach($db->database->table_structure as $table)


$tablename = str_replace('phpvms_', TABLE_PREFIX, $table['name']);

echo "<strong>Checking {$tablename}...</strong>";

DB::query('SELECT * FROM '.$tablename.' WHERE 1=1 LIMIT 1');

if(DB::$errno == '1146')


echo '<br >';

error('ERROR', "The table <strong>{$tablename}</strong> is missing!<br /><br />");



/* loop through all the columns returned by the above query and all the columns

from the fields in the xml file, and make sure they all match up, with the

fieldlist from the xml being the "master" outside loop which it looks up against */

$anyerrors = false;

$colinfo = DB::$DB->col_info;

foreach($table->field as $field)


$found = false;

foreach($colinfo as $column)


if($column->name == $field['Field'])


$found = true;




if($found == false)


echo '<br > ';

error('ERROR', "The column <strong>{$field['Field']}</strong> is missing!");

$anyerrors = true;



if($anyerrors == false)


echo 'OK';


echo '<br />';





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