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Encoding Problem


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You know I know what the problem is, but I'm not sure I know the fix... If you MySQL Database's encoding is set correctly, the only thing I can think of is that your pages are set incorrectly (encoding is not my forte) but I do believe the meta tag below:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

Should be changed to something that supports Chinese so the browser parses it correctly.

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There's a few things to change...

In the local.config.php, change the encoding for the page (PAGE_ENCODING)

There's also a DB_CHARSET I believe it is, it might be in app.config.php so copy that into local.config.php and edit that as well. That should do it . There are comments in that file explaining in more detail

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Didnt get it.

For Lorenzo, what file should i find out to correct that..?

For Nabeel, i tried to create a new local.config.php, and changed the encoding as Unicode. Unfortunately it doesnt work... could you tell me how to do..?

i guess you meant this:

# Page encoding options
Config::Set('PAGE_ENCODING', 'UTF-8');
Config::Set('DB_CHARSET_NAME', 'big5');

should i change it like this... or how..? thank you all!

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