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TopRoutes() not working for me.[SOLVED]

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Guest Stormchaser

Hey been adding a lot of the stats from statsdata. All of them working except for TopRoutes. Any suggestions.

Calling it to my frontpage with:

<?php echo StatsData::TopRoutes('DAL'); ?>

Function is from StatsData.class :

public static function TopRoutes($airline_code='')


$key = 'top_routes';

if($airline_code != '')


$key .= '_'.$airline_code;


$top_routes = CodonCache::read($key);

if($top_routes === false)


$sql = 'SELECT *

FROM `'.TABLE_PREFIX.'schedules`';

if($airline_code != '')


$sql .= " WHERE `code`='{$airline_code}' GROUP BY `code`";


$sql =' ORDER BY `timesflown` DESC

LIMIT 10';

$top_routes = DB::get_results($sql);

CodonCache::write($key, $top_routes, 'medium');


return $top_routes;


Others all work i.e.

<?php echo StatsData::TotalPaxCarried('DAL'); ?>

  • Administrators

I found a small glitch in the sql command - update your function to this ->

public static function TopRoutes($airline_code='')
	$key = 'top_routes';
	if($airline_code != '')
		$key .= '_'.$airline_code;

	$top_routes = CodonCache::read($key);
	if($top_routes === false)
		$sql = 'SELECT * 
				FROM `'.TABLE_PREFIX.'schedules`';

		if($airline_code != '')
			$sql = $sql . " WHERE `code`='{$airline_code}'";

		$sql = $sql .'	ORDER BY `timesflown` DESC
				LIMIT 10';

		$top_routes = DB::get_results($sql);
		CodonCache::write($key, $top_routes, 'medium');

	return $top_routes;

Also, you will not be able to echo this command out as you are trying to do. You will need to use a foreach statement to break up the array, for example ->

$stats = StatsData::TopRoutes('');
foreach($stats as $stat)
 echo $stat->code.$stat->flightnum.' - Times Flown '.$stat->timesflown.'<br />';

Remember to clear your cache after updating this code.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Stormchaser

My fault I wasnt calling the function right.


<?php $run = StatsData::TopRoutes('AMF');?>

<td><?php echo StatsData::TotalFlights('AMF'); ?></td>

<td><?php echo $run[0]->flightnum;?></td>

<td><?php echo $run[0]->depicao;?></td>

<td><?php echo $run[0]->arricao;?></td>

in a table works fine. I guess the timesflown got reset cause I did reset schedules in admin and it reset timesflown.

Thanks for the help!!

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