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'Passenger' ticket price

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Hello, well so far 5 days into phpvms, awesome backbone, just skinning and setting up all the different things, I've ran into a little ******.. right now my company is losing money because each passenger is paying "0.00" pounds. Example:


Gross Revenue:

(184 load / £ 0.00 per unit

£ 0.00

Fuel Cost:

(2133.24 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)

This may be a complete newb question, but how do I change this 0 value to something else? like 70 pounds. I've looked in local.config.php, FinanceData.class.php (I thought I was onto something in that file, but php beats me.) and of course the tpl that it's outputting to.. so how can I change the price of a unit? Thank you in advance.


Hello and Welcome,

You have to put the ticket price in your routedatabase. If there is a route flown outside the route table (charter) then

you fill the prize when you checking the pirep.




Hello and Welcome,

You have to put the ticket price in your routedatabase. If there is a route flown outside the route table (charter) then

you fill the prize when you checking the pirep.



Thanks a bunch for the help, I knew it was something silly I was doing wrong. I have one more question though (hopefully my last :P) I'm trying to put flags next to my 'recent reports' aka pireps on the frontpage, but upon putting

<img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location);?>" 
                       alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location);?>" />

into the frontpage_reports.tpl it refuses to actually fetch the countries image, just places a . like so: /en/lib/images/countries/.png How can I make the code snippet work in that particular .tpl? Thanks again.

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