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Hi, i am having a problem after moving servers, when a user registeres after filling in the form he gets just a blank page, so i thought it was something to do with the additions i have done.

I downloaded a fresh copy of vms to check and exactly the same thing happens there, also after the install the page does not fully load and the main admin account is not accessible, as this is happening on a new server i dont thing its vms but a setting or a lack of one that i have forgot to setup.

No error messages are being sent to the page or to the logs.

One thing that should be noted is that the registration completes ok ie data is put in to the database its just not returning a page.

Any ideas would be appreciated as im starting to run out of ideas.

Oh and by the way the check install and db runs fine, that was my first port of call.

Exanple screen shot of when the installer completed,

post-75-072909500 1297767988_thumb.jpg

  • Moderators

OK so i have got a bit further with this now, the pilot data is going in to the database to a point. the field value pilot id is not getting added for some reason to the groupmembers table, again no errors are being displayed.

  • Moderators

This is getting strange now, error reporting is set to all jet it seems to stall after inserting data in to the pilots table and doesnt get as far as updating the group, no errors are produced in either the /var/logs/apache2/ or custom site logs, there is nothing in the mysql error log and no reporting what soever.

I do have the suhosen patch for php installed would that male a difference?

  • Moderators

I thought it may be a permissions thing so i have reset all the permissions on that install to a root user and finally i get some error messages about cache and failed to put, which is marvellous at least im getting messages now.

I know how to fix that its a folder permissions thing on the core cache folder so i thought ok that fixed and now getting errors ill try again to register an account.

Guess what, no happy ending here yet! still the same thing and no errors in the logs or on the page. I have had to close my VA registration page until this is sorted out as its just nor working and its doing my head in big time.

I just dont know what else to try the damn thing should be working, why is it stalling halfway through putting data in to the database and not producing any error messages.

Guest lorathon

I was looking at the RegistrationData:AddUser and wondering. How far is it making it before it tanks? You said that the pilot is going into the pilot table the following as after that portion.

$res = DB::query($sql);
if(DB::errno() != 0)
	if(DB::errno() == 1062)
		self::$error = 'This email address is already registered';
		return false;

	self::$error = DB::error();
	return false;

//Grab the new pilotid, we need it to insert those "custom fields"
$pilotid = DB::$insert_id;	

/* Add them to the default group */
PilotGroups::AddUsertoGroup($pilotid, DEFAULT_GROUP);

// For later
self::$pilotid = $pilotid;

//Get customs fields
$fields = self::GetCustomFields();
	return true;

foreach($fields as $field)
	$value = Vars::POST($field->fieldname);
	$value = DB::escape($value);

	if($value != '')
		$sql = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."fieldvalues (fieldid, pilotid, value)
					VALUES ($field->fieldid, $pilotid, '$value')";


return true;

I would walk down the code and check to be sure that everything is happening as it should. Maybe you can find the stalling point.


Is a Signature Generated? If so that it made it that far.

Maybe add a few echo messages to determine what data is being moved along. Like echo $pilotid after the $pilotid = DB::$insert_id; Make sure it is actually getting the pilotid back.

  • Administrators

I'd do what Jeff said - it could also be running out of memory, or just timing out. In that RegistrationData file, on top adding a error_reporting(E_ALL) and ini_set('display_errors', 'on') might yield some errors.

You can disable caching in app.config (it's disabled by default now for the next release)

Also, Mark, if you can give me access to the server and page, I can try to take a look

  • Moderators

Ok guys ill give that a go, i must be a server setting somewhere because i just got another Linode and done a clean ubuntu 10.4LTS install with the base apache2 server and php5 with mysql nothing else on it and it does the same thing even with the stable download from phpVMS.

For the life of me i just dont know what it is.

Nabeel since i have this new box you can get access to that i will pm you the ip and login and have a play, bit if its not playing from clean installs then i dont know, maybe ill change the distro and see what happens, the really strange thing is though that it worked OK before.

I have also noticed that when i go to accept all pireps in the admin section only one gets approved at a time, no other errors being reported, i have 256k set for script memory limit which is well above the recommended.

  • Administrators

Just to note to anyone who might be looking at this, it was fixed, just some PHP packages were missing, mainly the php-mysql package (for debian/ubuntu)

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