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Changing manual PIREP KG>LBS


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Yeah I forgot about that Nabeel. I am going to phase it out. Any way to get the website to stop generating a config file for it? I can easy remove the download link from the pilot center.

I've removed the link from the template, I'll comment out that generation code

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I've removed the link from the template, I'll comment out that generation code

Ahh it's no biggie. I forgot that the template I am using was made prior to FSACARS support being dropped.

And I don't think the websites are converting the fuel coming in from XACARS either.

I just did a flight using XACARS and used like 1100 some odd gallons of fuel and got charged for 20061.7 it says gallons but that can not be right. The flight lost over 111k When I went in and changed the figure from what XACARS reported to what know I burnt according to flight sim, the flight made good money.

I am sure this is for another thread though. ;)

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