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Does anybody have a script they wouldn't mind sharing for Pilot Applications to join a VA? If so, can you post here or pm me and also tell me where it goes on the server? Would prefer one that also has transfer hours and a space for a link to verify those hours. I think it is odd that phpvms does not include one. If is included, how do I activate it? Not showing up on my website.

Thank you,

Steve Bartlett


When you have install your Vms, you have a standard Version.

First you make an update for your VMS and then show here in the Forum. Many Users have postet Codes and more to bring up more features in your Airline.

But you must learn to customize your Va alone...When you need help open a Thread or answer in a thread for help.Its a helpful Community.

I have also learn many to bring up our First Version online.

Now i learn to customize my pilot Centre.



If you have the site online and are not logged in, there should be a registration form already to go for you. No need to code anything at all.

As far as forums go, it has no built in forum. There is an addon forum built by Simpilot and repackaged and updated by Tom. That one can be found in the Releases thread in the addon utilities thread.

And I think all you need to do to get the contact form to show up is add a link to it in your nav file.


Yep, I use phpBB forums. To install, rename the file forums, and upload it to your /public_html folder (no need to go into any folder inside /public_html, just place it in there) Once you have it uploaded, you can install it by typing in your forum install link (www.yoursite.com/forums/install/install.php)


which file do I need to download and rename forums? they are all on the server under htdocs/web04/b1846/pow.mysite/htdocs and it lists common.php, config.php, cron.php, faq.php, feed.php, index.php, mcp.php, memberlist.php, posting.php, report.php, search.php, style.php, ucp.php, viewforum.php, viewtopic.php and web.config.


When you download the forums from the site, it comes all zipped up. unzip it and you will see the folder on your desktop. That is the one you rename.


I just checked my folder, and I believe it is: /forums/install/install_install.php

Double check your folder to see if it is the same as this one. Your path may be different, but it shouldn't be.

Sorry for the confusion ;)

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