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Same flight numbers?

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Is there a way to have same flight number for multiple routes? Use real world flight numbers and always use -1 -2 -3 so forth. AAL343 AAL343-1 so on..When using excel after done with airline have to go back and add the dashes or routes will get overwritten. Been doing this for months but curious if there is a work around.


Is there a way to have same flight number for multiple routes? Use real world flight numbers and always use -1 -2 -3 so forth. AAL343 AAL343-1 so on..When using excel after done with airline have to go back and add the dashes or routes will get overwritten. Been doing this for months but curious if there is a work around.


I'll give you a hint:

You enter the system with a flight number and then another with AAL243 number, after add flight AAL243A then you edit the flight AAL243A for AAL243.

it's easy:)


Gotcha but I have a lot of routes 8000. Would be a lot of work at this point to go back and do that. Anyway to do that with csv file or can I only do it from admin.


You can export your flights via the Admin Center as .csv then edit your flights and import them back into the site via the Admin Center.


So just to confirm I upload the routes i.e. aal323-1 aal323-2 aal323-3.

Then download csv change the flights to aal323 aal323 aal323 and reupload.?

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