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City-Link description:

City-Link is an airline based in the UK and offers low-cost flights to european destinations.

Fleet description:

The City-Link board have seen many aircraft is the process , and we at the moment have 10 aircraft on offer. Boeing and Airbus and prime aircraft manufactors and hopefully as we grow we will add further aircraft to our fleet.

Destinations description:

Our destinations are to every one's needs. We offer flights from UK to great european destinations , Madrid / Coppenhagen / Munich / Majorca and hopefully we can offer ftransatlantic flights.

We realy hope that you enjoy your stay here and we hope that we offer the best stay here at City-Link if not E-Mail us and we'll get it sorted.

Many Thanks,

Jake Doody.

Please Join today - Click here to visit:City-Link

Recruiting Staff aswell as Pilots.


Hi Joeri,

Thanks for your reply and feedback. I see what you're saying , at the moment i've only done Spain and France and Faroe Islands because i've mostly been working on the layout , now it's done i can do the Hubs. I only started up yesterday!!



Fatal error: Uncaught <blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>Too many connections (1040)</b></font>]<br />[<font color=000000><b></b></font>]</font><p> </blockquote><hr noshade color=dddddd size=1> thrown in/home/citylink/public_html/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 99

Must have passed your limit of connections

  On 6/26/2011 at 7:36 PM, jake said:

Don't know what you're going on about? Just tested 2x on two different browsers and it works fine!

Its not permanent mellow.gif When I tried to view your site, there where too many connections so it would not let me view it. That normally happens with free webhosting.

  On 6/26/2011 at 7:58 PM, jake said:

I have not got Free Hosting. I pay for my hosting (ultimate reseller)

What do you think of my site?

I never said you where using free-hosting, sorry if it seems like I did. Anyway yeah I think its ok, good luck with it!

  On 6/26/2011 at 8:13 PM, jake said:

It's ok friend. I realy need some pilots to join.. Please spread the word!

You would be better advertising your site on the many forums that allow VA promotion. Just ensure you follow their rules on advertising your VA. Everyone here is running their own VA, so you wouldn't get many interested pilots joining from here. Before you do advertise though, I would recommend spending spending some time on finishing the site. Don't be in a rush to try attracting pilots. Concentrate on getting the website functional, and looking good. Then go for it with the promotion. You'll find attracting pilots to join will be easier then. Even then, it's an uphill struggle getting new members, so be prepared for a slow start. Every successful VA wasn't built overnight, and every VA with a lot of active pilots built their membership up over time. :)


It's looks pretty good as a work in progress. I like the colour scheme, and overall design. There is a lot of white space on the home page that could be put to good use though. I noticed that you haven't resized the Live ACARS map, so a chunk on the right has been cut off. The same applies in the pilot's public profile page, with the flash PIREP chart.


For a start up low cost VA, you have a huge amount of hubs. Also try and use a 1 or 2 aircraft type, not 3. And yes, finish the site off, before going after pilots. People won't join an unfinished web site, as they won't think the owners care about it. It looks like a half assed job, not saying it is, but that is how it comes accross.

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