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Rev v2.1.934-164-ge045bc4 - close #53 pilot reset pirep count fixed

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is the new beta compatible with simpilot Pay modules? is that beta a full install?

and I have a Problem with my fivedev hosted site but I think it lies on my side or lets better say my phpvms database got mixed up ;( will save may tpl files tomorow so that at least I have my site layouts (would be too stupid to start from scratch after all hours of working ;))

how can I reinstall phpvms to "out of box" status

is the beta usable for operational VA usage or is it to early for that?

Best Regards



is the new beta compatible with simpilot Pay modules? is that beta a full install?

Yes, Simpilots payware modules are compatible with the latest beta and it is a full install but you can just upgrade.

how can I reinstall phpvms to "out of box" status

Go here and download the full version of 2.1.934. This is not the beta

is the beta usable for operational VA usage or is it to early for that?

I am but you have to be carefully because it's beta for a reason. A lot of people don't run beta's on a prod site because you could have a ton of issues. However, I have a prod and a dev site and I do all my testing on the dev site. If everything checks out I upgrade my prod site over. So, you can do this but you need to be very careful.


thanks for reply :)

will a sub folder and other table prefix work? think so! but I better ask to not overwrite something!

so I may make a Subfolder Regional and start a testairline running on the beta B)

best regards



thanks for reply :)

will a sub folder and other table prefix work? think so! but I better ask to not overwrite something!

so I may make a Subfolder Regional and start a testairline running on the beta B)

best regards


I have my dev site setup in a subfolder and I use a completely different database from my production one. If your going to be running the dev site on the same server you need to change the cookie name of the dev site or you will have login issues between the two sites. If you search the forums I posted the exact instructions on how to do that. I'd tell you here but I have it wrote down at home and I can't remember off the top of my head what you need to do.


As I mentioned to you on FAcebook Nabeel, you need to look at the these beta downloads...You have folders within folders, and I think some stuff thats not phpvms related or stuff thats just a test????


OK I will look.

Is vacentral working for you on the beta?

Yes, VA Central is working fine.

I also noticed on my test site I can't search schedules with the latest beta. When you click "find flights" nothing happens. It doesn't matter which search criteria I use the results are the same.

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Yes, VA Central is working fine.

I also noticed on my test site I can't search schedules with the latest beta. When you click "find flights" nothing happens. It doesn't matter which search criteria I use the results are the same.

If you open the Firefox error console, does anything show up when you try to search?


If you open the Firefox error console, does anything show up when you try to search?


I compared both my dev site schedules and my prod site. The below is the only difference I'm seeing from the error console. My dev site has the latest beta.

Use of getAttributeNode() is deprecated. Use getAttribute() instead.


Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead.

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This beta fixed the pilot pirep reset count issue but now if you go to the admin pilot list it doesn't show any pilots.

Ok, I'm not seeing this problem? Same with the transfer hours... seem to be all saving?


Ok, I'm not seeing this problem? Same with the transfer hours... seem to be all saving?

Thanks for checking it out. It still does it on my dev site but that just could be an issue on my side. I'll try to reupload sometime this weekend.

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