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Error:: You are already logged in!

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Hi All,

My site has suddenly started the issue for every pilot with a "Error you are already logged in" message when the pilot tries to log in when the page loads showing them logged out with the login form available. ANy ideas?



Hi All,

My site has suddenly started the issue for every pilot with a "Error you are already logged in" message when the pilot tries to log in when the page loads showing them logged out with the login form available. ANy ideas?


Make sure you have the www. in the url instead of just the mysite.com


Is there anyway to permanently make this the case, I have tried re-directing euroscotva.co.uk to www.euroscotva.co.uk although it doesn't work?

Is there another way around this?


# Redirect non-www urls to www
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.yoursite\.com
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.yoursite.com/$1 [R=301,L]

Though really you should be doing the opposite, w's are so last decade. I even believe chrome will remove the w's by default unless they're forced.


Hi Tom,

Blonde moment, is this in the .htaccess?

Also, I am using chrome so I will look into this.

Yes, .htaccess

And, for example, go to facebook.com - it will force the w's. Then go to phpvms.net - no w's.


Some host will have this already done for you. Mine has it done by default.

Force w's? Don't think so... I go to flyaka.com and it doesn't show w's, I go to www.flyaka.com and it does.


Maybe Google forces it. I went to add the code and in the file, and it was already there. Seems they have it for my forums for some reason, or could of been an old file. Anyways I have it working now. Thanks for the tip.

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