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If I wanted to restrict the fleet to a certain number of pilots?

For example, I would like to create a private flying club internal my VA, using airplanes that are not in the fleet (eg Cesna ETC .....) wanting to do a tour like dangerous from IVAO. How could limit its use as it does with the rating in the ranks. One could, for example, use an award and those who do not have the award can not use these planes and use its schedule.

Do you think this is possible? I hope I explained myself..Sorry for my bad English .... :wacko:


I tried to change this piece of code and I just get the form, but when I go to select I do not get the award.

I do not know if I'm on the right path, because i'm not very good and i don't know PHP (something I can do trough you). I'm trying!

<dt>Minimum Rank Required to fly</dt>
<select name="minrank">
 <option value="0" <?php if($aircraft->minrank == 0){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>None</option>
 foreach($allranks as $rank)
  if($aircraft->minrank == $rank->rankid)
$sel = 'selected="selected"';
$sel = '';

  echo "<option value=\"{$rank->rankid}\" {$sel} >{$rank->rank}</option>";
<dt>Minimum Award Required to fly</dt>
<select name="minaward">
 <option value="0" <?php if($aircraft->minaward == 0){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>None</option>
 foreach($allaward as $award)
  if($aircraft->minaward == $award->awardid)
$sel = 'selected="selected"';
$sel = '';

  echo "<option value=\"{$award->awardid}\" {$sel} >{$award->award}</option>";


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This will just give you a page design and 2 select optinons you need to put this code in a <form> tag and then pass it on to a function or a page and basically filter out the schedules that have those A/C type. I do have a mixed module that I created from 3 different modules in the forum. You could use that and change it to your desire.

Here is the link: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4498-flightbookingsystem/

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