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Greece Airways Virtual would like to invite you to the Virtual Flight Event at Heraklion airport which is our first official VATSIM Event. The event is going to be held on Sunday 9th of September from 16:00(UTC) until 19:00(UTC). Everyone is able to book any flight via our booking system choosing any callsign he wants! During the event, we will expect full ATC services.

The booking system can be found here!


Unfortunately, charts are not available due to Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority so you have to search for them (px on google etc).


FS 2004: The scenery can be found here by HSP.

FSX: The payware scenery can be found here by Aerosoft.

You are suggested to follow the routes provided on the booking system choosing any aircraft you prefer.

We will expect you!

Kind Regards,

on behalf of the Events Department of Greece Airways Virtual

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For those who are going to participate in our event, we would like to inform you that there will be a discount on the Aerosoft's Heraklion X Scenery during the next week because of Heraklion Virtual Flight Event!

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After Greece Airways Virtual and Aerosoft cooperation, we would like to inform you that Heraklion X scenery published by Aerosoft has been discounted due to Greece Airways Virtual Heraklion Virtual Flight Event on VATSIM Network.

Book as soon as possible the flight you want. We will expect you!!!


Strange things are happening in your country!

Greece, once so strong..

Greece, that gave us the Olympics, Sokrates and Gyros!

Greece, where is your pride if your inhabitants can't spell your name any more?

SCNR, Just kidding, I love Greece :)

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It was just a mistyping as i said before... ;) Glad to hear that you love Greece. It is a very beautiful country but we do not take advantage of a lot of things here! Let's stay on topic :).

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