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after a flight when i want to uplaod a flight from fsacars i get the message

faild to send log database error.

can somebody thell me what tis could be.

a pirep come treu on the site but it alwayse a pirep that is saved on my com en not the flown one.

gr joeri

  • Moderators

hello nabeel

in the faq forum thers nothing on this topic .

if i send a logfile i get the error database error then i get an mail pirep send.if i go look at the pireps it takes an old logfile that is saved on my pc and if i del the file from my pc it still take this one and it shows up again on my pc. if a do a complete deinstal of fsaccars the first pirep goes good and then its back to the problem.

don't know what to do.

gr joeri

  • Moderators

nope both are ok i think its a database error have done multipule test from different usseres. all get the same error. database error but a log is send and it is alwayse the same so i think the database is something wrong.

is there a way to reinsatall the database whitout losing hours and routes and pilots the site is not so a problem.

think al this happend becous in the beginning we changed 3 pilots id directly in the database. gr joeri

  • Administrators

If you're using the same IDs now should be fine.

Do a complete reinstall of fsacars, including deleting the directory.

Then the above threads if there is a crash or error or some sort

  • Moderators

still not working just dit a fresh install of the website, database and on my own computer.still getting the message pirep not send database error this is the first pirp send to the database and if i send e new pirep only the one that is saved om the server is still showing up (pirep 1 : eham-dtmb, pirep 2 eham ebbr but on the website in the admin the recived pirep is pirep 1 don't know wat is cousing this the only thin i have kept og the old site it the local config file could this be the problem.

gr joeri


Look inside your fsacars folder on your computer.  There should be a file called sendlogreport.html.  Open it up in with your web browser and tell us what is says.  There might be a clue there.

As well, make sure when you go to do your flight, you use the flight bid and get the flight from VA option in FSAcars.  Do not change anything that comes prefilled in.  You can change the aircraft type, the flight level or the route.

Do not under any circumstances change the....

Departure airport

Arrival airport

Pilot number

Flight IATA




When submitting your pirep, change nothing.  Accept the defaults that you are shown.  Change any of the things I just mentioned and it will surely fail.

Hope this helps,



  • Moderators

the ting you say i alwase do

the file only sayed the following: SuccessPIREP successfully addedOK.

after the pirep is send alsow the page where the logging stands in fsacars is empty so i cand safe the pirep if somethinh sould have gone wrong as it dous now

  • Moderators

here is a picture

gr joeri


but on the website is still an pirep incomming but alwase the same and not only with me but alsow with different pilots.

gr joeri

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have done a complete reinstall of vms and fsacars and dit not change vms now its working fine so there was an error on the vms side.i thing somwere a smal code error that i made myself.gr joeri

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