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Total Hours Flown


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I am getting a format like : Total Hours Flown: 1400:19:15

I get this on multiple areas of my site. I can deal with the minutes but I would like to loose the seconds. Can anyone point me in the right direction. I made a few edits here and there that I found in that format but nothing changed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah so I am not figuring this out. I have looked everywhere until I was blue in the face and I am not finding out where the flight times are being pulled from.

The time shows up like that in the admin panel dashboard, latest arivals on the front page, and just about everywhere else that has flight times listed.

Does anyone know where in the admin files the time is figured up and tossed out on to the site? Maybe it is a module file and not and admin file?

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Ok so in the StatsData.class.php I found the following:

 * StatsData::updateTotalHours()
 * @return
   public static function updateTotalHours() {

    $sql = "SELECT SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(flighttime_stamp)) AS `total`
		    FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps`
		    WHERE `accepted`=".PIREP_ACCEPTED;

    $totaltime = DB::get_row($sql);
    if(!$totaltime) {
	    $totaltime = '00:00:00';
    } else {
	    $totaltime = Util::secondsToTime($totaltime->total);
    SettingsData::SaveSetting('TOTAL_HOURS', $totaltime);
 * Get the total number of hours flown by pilots
   public static function TotalHours() {
    return SettingsData::GetSettingValue('TOTAL_HOURS');

I can see where it is getting the seconds from, editing that does no good. Does anyone have a clue? I am sure the seconds need to be counted to keep an accurate count, but to display on the website is over kill. I would rather it just be hours:minutes i.e. 09:23

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