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About This File

Disposable Extended Pack (Disposable Special Module)


This is the v3.7.x series module, it is compatible with latest Disposable Addons (Theme, Basic Module) and phpVMS v7 released builds like (v7.0.2)


This is a combined multi feature module offering below;


  • Tours (with Awards and a tracking Widget)
  • Free Flights (with full SimBrief integration)
  • Maintenance System (can be extended by Disposable Basic module)
  • Market (Pilot Shop)
  • Monthly Flight Assignments
  • NOTAMs
  • Configurable per flight dynamic expenses (Catering, Parking, Landing, Terminal Services Fees etc)
  • Configurable per flight dynamic income (Duty Free and Cabin Buffet Sales)
  • Some static pages (About Us, Rules & Regulations, Ops Manual, Landing Rates)
  • Handy administrative functions
  • CRON based automated database cleanup features


As of 30.DEC.2024, as a new year gift to the community, module is public and free to use like other Disposable Addons... License conditions still apply, something being free does not mean that you can do whatever you wish :)


Below section will remain here, so if you still want to donate for lives in need you can still do that for the greater good.


This module is technically "Donationware", where you donate (for good) and how much you donate is up to you. Unfortunately to avoid mis-understandings and make thing more clear; Minimum donation amount is 50 USD/EUR.


Donationware Explained


Yes, this module is not FREE but it does not have fixed price tag too. So you will decide how much you donate (above minimum amount) and where you donate. Below you will see some options, and yes I am at the very last line of that list.


  • Religious Community (nearby church or mosque etc., people you really know helping others in need for the glory of God)
  • Neighborhood community (like the one above, helping homeless and poor)
  • Military staff community (like helping wounded soldiers of your country, those men risked their lives for us and deserve some support from us too)
  • Animal shelters nearby (yes, their lives are important too and much more important than most of crowd around us)
  • Worldwide non-profit organizations (like UNICEF etc.)
  • Author of this module (if you really want to and can not find somewhere else for donation)


Please get in contact with me BEFORE proceeding further (forum private message, discord direct message, email) and provide below details;


  • Your VA/Organization name
  • Your VA/Organization URL (preferably where your phpVMS v7 is installed)
  • Brief description of your VA/Organization (how old it is, where do you plan to operate, how many member etc.)
  • Your decision / choice about donation location and amount
  • Your personal and/or organizations GitHub username (if this is not provided, you will get the latest build via mail, it will be hard for you to follow updates)


After communicating with me and we both understand each other, you will need to send


  • Proof of your donation (official receipt, payment details etc.) -You can probably use that donation amount when you fill in some yearly tax papers for tax deduction-


How you can donate to me? As this is the last choice, you may gift something to me from simulation software shops, or buy gift cards / vouchers from them. (Check FAQ for details)

By donating something to me, you are not giving any money to me (think it like handing it over for another donation). When I get your donation, I am helping lives (either human or animal) in need around my neighborhood. Simply, I am not using your donation for myself.




And just a friendly reminder, by doing a donation you will not own the code or will have priority support etc. As long as I am around, I will keep updating the module 'cause development never ends. But this does not mean that I will add everything to this module or when you request it :) If your request is reasonable and not VA/company specific I may work on it. If not you may need to come up with our own solution, preferably as a separate module for yourself (so you can easily update this module when needed)




Frequently Asked Questions;


1. Is there a minimum amount for donation ?

  • Unfortunately yes, as of February 2023 I decided to put in a minimum amount, and it is 50 USD/EUR. 
  • Before this date, I was trying to explain below logic to almost everyone and rejecting some funny amounts :( Sorry but I want you to help lives, do not try to fool yourself by doing a 5 bucks donation and wanting something in return.
  • Be reasonable, find a good balance which will not hurt your budget much and which will be useful to lives in need.
  • Imagine yourself having a snack at a bar, or having some hamburgers (or pizza) with friends. The donation should be taking something away from you to be reasonable and valuable, so when you plan to go out and have some fun/or a drink, donate the amount you will spend that night, stay at home and deal with the addon installation/setup ;) 


2. My parents made some donations in the past, does it count ?

  • No


3. Can I get it for free ?

  • No, but if you have a really special situation, just let me know via forum or discord private messages (this applies to below minimum donations requests too)


4. Do you have PayPal/Stripe account ?

  • No.


5. Which simulation stores you prefer ?

  • You can use SimMarket or X-Plane.org Store, it is easy to buy/send gift cards with them and it is less painful for me to use it when needed.


6. Are there any other ways to get the module ?

  • No, donations is the only way to get it.


7. How often this module gets updated ?

  • Depends, but as long as an update is needed, it is updated.


8. What is your e-mail address (it may be needed for gift cards, vouchers etc.)?

  • My email can be found in my GitHub profile page


9. Do you have a custom/private support system for donators?

  • No, you will have no priority by doing donations, no private or one on one support, no installations.


10. How often new features are added to the package ?

  • Depends, if they are really needed and usable by all of us, why not consider or think about it. But this is not a promise, just my thoughts.


11. What happens if I do not obey the license conditions ?

  • You will lose your access to module updates, your VA's name will be added to "non approved virtual airlines / organizations" list in the license.


12. I am the web developer of the VA (or I am a 3rd party/external developer), can I get the module ?

  • No, only VA owners/admins should have access to the module and it should be their account (or VA's organization account) requesting access.
  • 3rd party developers can ONLY redistribute customized module blade (frontend view) files according to duplication logic with their addons.


Edited by DisposableHero
Updated Description and FAQ

What's New in Version v3.x.x   See changelog


Added FAQ to the text

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It is written above, copy pasted here below

Religious Community (nearby church or mosque etc, people you really know helping others in need for the glory of God)
Neighborhood community (like the one above, helping homeless and poor)
Military staff community (like helping wounded soldiers of your country, those men risked their lives for us amd deserve some support from us too)
Animal shelters nearby (yes, their lives are important too and much more important than most of crowd around us)
Author of this module (if you really want to and can not find somewhere else for donation)


Which part is not clear for you ?



Your answer is unclear, i still have no idea how or where to get this addon.



4 hours ago, Sweepy said:

Your answer is unclear, i still have no idea how or where to get this addon.

What he is saying is that you need to donate to one of the organization listed in order to get the module.



Dear, please give me more information for make a donation to the author. Best regards!


Posted (edited)

Hello i would like to make donation to you check your PM

  • How you can donate to me? As this is the last choice, there are no pre-defined ways. You may gift something from simulation software shops (like gift cards etc)...

    When you complete your donation, just inform me with the proof of it and provide your GitHub username. After that you will be granted access to the module itself.

Edited by SEH600

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