Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
is it possible to log flights on fsflightkeeper and then send the pireps to vms becouse at the moment we use fsflightkeeper on theyr database script but vms offers manny more thing so we would like to change. gr joeri L ACEO Dutch Global
Last reply by joeri, -
- 6 replies
Hello Guys, I do not know else to do, because when you finish installing phpvms when I see my site it is giving errors ... Look around I hope someone help me .... please ... even more ... my email is:
Last reply by goldenairways, -
- 4 replies
Hi Guys, Just incase any of you haven't heard, AVSIM was recently taken down by hackers, which in effect destroyed their complete forum, and downloads databases. These guys have been running for 13 years now. Here is the BBC link. AVSIM have setup a temporary forum in the meantime, until they get their site redeveloped. Hope you guys don't mind me posting this here; but i feel it is a great loss to the FS community. -James
Last reply by Strider, -
Somthing That might come to handy with phpVMS
by Guest N402KC- 1 reply
Well as i was checking out the backend part of phpVMS i noticed how you can add custom sidebars and basically change the whole inner layout to your website. If you go to your Core>>templates and navigate threw there, You can change the layout or add anything to your pages. It came in handy for me because i needed to add a teamspeak block. Be sure to backup anything you edit though.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
I've added some Google ads up, gonna give it a run and see if people actually do click on it. Add phpVMS to your adblock exceptions
Last reply by Leiserson, -
- 2 replies
When upon transferring the mySQL database info to another server, I was wanting to delete the schedules in the file, but would that wreck it in any way. I attached it to this post for further looking.
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
- 11 replies
Post any problems or feedback about the new site here! Known problems - Tutorials aren't up yet - I'm reorganizing on the backend Docs aren't up yet either, debugging as to why the rewrite rules aren't working
Last reply by CTB001, -
- 5 replies
As the title suggests, phpVMS is what I am looking for, but I was wondering whether there was any chance of VATSIM being included in phpVMS in the near future. I've noticed that vaBase does have it already integrated but after looking around they seem like a very dodgy company and the code is supposedly bad. Cheers, Max.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I'm the founder and CEO of a new virtual airline based in Portland, Oregon. I'm looking for someone that would like to join the team as web developer and manager. I have a host for the next 3 years already payed for, and I am great with photoshop. I'm a collegestudent and I just don't have time to learn code (although I want to). For anymore info please contact me via pm or see the va forum at Thanks everyone!
Last reply by tdinges, -
- 5 replies
Check this out guys, I think you will like!!! Nabeel isn't done with it yet but this is a great feature!! ;D Click on the pilot brief link.
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 2 replies
Would it be possible to create a map of the places each pilot has flown, a new route added everytime they submit a pirep and it is accepted? Cheers Dan C
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 2 replies
Hi All, Im new to the forums here at PHPvms. My new VA, Cirrus Air has recently run aground in regards to our system, before we did have a coder helping us create a personalized/custom system only to find that he was only building his own va with tips and helpers from how we built our own. Two days before our planned opening he decided to leave us with an incomplete system and forced us to pushback our opening until the 20th of May, maybe even further. We had to choose this pushback date because the only person we could find to help us out has exams until then. We've already decided to use PHPvms and our new guy still cant help until the 20th, but we need to open or p…
Last reply by Jeremy B, -
- 1 reply
NVAA Now has a test bed for their new FLS with a direct phpVMS export going. At this point, it simply adds flights to an empty database. But our beta testing version is actually functioning and will be available for members to use by tomorrow or Thursday. to check out our "demo" go to There are only three routes, but this is just so you get a feel for the features, and how easy it is to use. If you just love it so much that you want to use it... join us at
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Free hosting for phpVMS
by Guest- 16 replies
Hi all, Do you know of any free web hosts that offer compatibility for all of the phpVMS files and functions? Could anyone do free hosting for me? Thanks very much.
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 0 replies
Hi all. Off topic I know, but that's what the forums topic says! There is currently a petition on the Downing Street petition site for the official student status to be awarded to trainee British pilots. Please click here for further information and to submit your signature. cheers, roboa
Last reply by roboa, -
- 4 replies
Hi Nabeel, Just wondering if it is possible to show the live status map, and data available to code into the frontpage_main? Would be nice for our pilots to be able to see themselves on the front page of the site. All the best.
Last reply by G-NEWC, -
- 0 replies
I highly recommend site5 for web hosting - it's completely compatible with phpVMS, and they have excellent customer support. I still use them for client sites. Uptil the 1.0 release, phpVMS was developed on site5. Click here to goto site5 Note: The above link is a referral/affiliate link, so if you sign up using the link above, site5 will give me $25 for every sign up, which goes a long way in hosting!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Schedule Ferquency
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all, I am wondering what the schedule frequency graphs are for in the flight details section. All of my graphs are blank....
Last reply by Wayne, -
This is probably something for you Nabeel Would it be possible to put a training centre into phpvms? It would work like the flight system whereby staff put information on available courses (related to flying) into the administration centre and then they would be displayed on a page and could be bidded on by pilots? And the pilots can choose a day and time they would like to do it from a list on the bid page for that course. That information is then relayed to the staff member responsible for that course and they confirm the training and an email is then sent to the pilot to let them know it has been confirmed. hope you like it (and hope it's possible even more!), robo…
Last reply by roboa, -
Hi, This will be the first update I have installed;) So, do I just upload the entire folder? thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Clearing up the minor things...
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi, I have installed PHPvms now, and created an airline, etc. I have a few minor things though: 1. This shows at the top of each page: 2. The 'view my badge' function comes up as an error. Thanks.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Test this site for me
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all, I have created this site: When I use it, it can be slow to load, and I sometimes have to refresh once or twice before it works. Please test it for me, and tell me it you have these problems. Maybe it's just me. Thanks.
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 1 reply
ok.... there are miltiple airlines all using phpvms. is it possible to pull information from all the airlines databases onto a single website. there would be no entries made to databases, simply a list of information. I was just wondering, before I pull my hair out trying to figure it out if it is even possible ?
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 2 replies
A Turkish Airlines B737-800 Crashed as it was trying to land Near Amsterdam Sadly 9 People Died in this Accendent including 3 crew and both pilot an co-pilot
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 5 replies
is it possible to add a flash intro to phpvms system. i have one that i want to add but don't know if it is possible. also where do i have to add it?
Last reply by Wayne, -
Need Ideas
by UAVCEO- 5 replies
Other than UAV (which is having issues at this time) I am thinking of a new Virtual Airline to create, which will start up this summer. It will be fictional, and there is my problem. I was wondering if you have any ideas for a name or scheme or something. Here are some plans I am thinking of: US Based Main hub in Minneapolis or Midwest location Other hubs TBD I want it to kind of be a laid-back, leisure airline. (Like Ted was) Any thoughts/ideas to jolt my mind would be appreciated.
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
- 2 replies
Hey, I was wondering if I change the FsPax cfg or the FACARS cfg can i send the pirep information to multiple databases at once ? Or is is possible to have one database on a server that can be accessed by websites on other servers ? I ask because i have two websites, on two different servers and would like to show information about pireps flown from my airline on my other website. since i am a css and php virgin I thought that i would ask here first. thanks
Last reply by kbohme, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, Over at UKMil (a freeware UK Military addon site) we have our own military based VA. We have been looking for a PRIEP system for a while and i found a link to here on Flight Sim World. I have set it up on our own server, and added myself and played around with the RAnks Hubs and A/C etc. Im just wondering if there is a way to manually change my rank from (what we have it as) Officer Cadet to Air Commodore.. i have set it up that 1000 hours is requried to be an AC. Now I am the "CEO" as you civvies call it, and i want my rank to appear as an AC immediatly.. so how would i change it without having to fly 1000hours within the next few weeks? Thanks.. We a…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 13 replies
i reason i am asking is becuase i don't know how to Must -Be a Full Page -Info's on a sidebar -Easy To Skin For Me -Have Side Bar Left AND/OR Right -Have images I HAVE My OWN if you can do this please pm me
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 9 replies
I have Something to say: First Off Sorry to Wayne And AirEast for what My Webmaster Did. It Will not Happen Again. Second I didn't mean for that To Happen at all. all I wanted to do is look at it and maybe get an idea in my head on how I want My Site To Look Like. I am not Copying Anyone's Site just Graping Ideas form Them for My OWN LOOK. Wayne I did do What You Ask in the Pm that You Sent Me.That particular thing is no longer on my site and My webmaster is no longer working on my site or My Virtual Airlines . but all in all I AM REALLY SORRY TO WAYNE AND AIREAST. I hope you will take my Apologize. Wayne Please Post A Reply If you Do accept My Apologize Signed by, K…
Last reply by G-NEWC,