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623 topics in this forum
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Dear people, i would like to revamp my VA's site,, also inserting some simpilotgroups free and pay modules. It will be done on the new server provided by Nabeel (if they are able to solve a problem that i have ). Please PM with offers and timeframe. Thanks, Simon
Last reply by Simon, -
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Now through March 5, 2012, FSPremier is offering 25% off all of our hosting packages when you choose to pay Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Annually, Biennially, or Triennially! Use promo code FSP2012 to receive your special 25% off discount! Act Fast! (We are currently not open for Aircraft repainting, but will continue that service in March.)
Last reply by hollinst, -
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- 1.6k views Hello, We have revised our packages and prices, We have added more file storage to some plans, decreased prices on all web hosting packages and more changes are on the way, with our current customers they receive all the upgrades completely free of charge so you will always receive the best deal. PHPVMS will be installed on request free of charge on all packages. Special Offer – 50% Off for 6 months on all orders - Discount Code: phpvms25 UK BASED CPANEL LITE SPEED SERVERS ===================== Shared_Basic – 1.13GBP Per Month ===================== • 2 GB Diskspace • 15 GB Bandwidth • 3 Addon Domains • Unlimited Emails • D…
Last reply by MichaelD, -
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Hi, I am looking for a fleet repainter for re-launch VA. Please contact me if you are interested ( Thanks
Last reply by atlanticva, -
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DesignerXPO is back now at I had shut down the service for a while due to real world situations but now since I have been making freelance templates for people I decided to bring back my staff and start her up again, all the information is on the website, please PM or email if you have any questions.
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
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Fellow Simmers, Virtual Airline Solutions is proud to announce the addition of custom created aircraft liveries for Flight Simulator 2004 and X. We offer repaints for low prices, and we can custom design anything you can imagine. Need a certain fleet repaint? Not a problem. For a single aircraft, designing a livery is our specialty. We can build it to your needs. Looking for an entire fleet to be repainted? We specialize in that as well. Our designs are of the highest quality for a low price. Send us an email: if you are interested.
Last reply by tylerj, -
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Now through March 15, 2012, FSPremier is offering 25% off on all packages and domains no matter what payment style you choose! With our plans starting at $5.00 a month, you are assured to get top notch hosting geared towards virtual airlines. Our hosting packages can be compared directly to many other "Standard" packages out there, and is cheaper too! Transfers from other hosting companies are quick and easy and can be completed in most cases over night. How does 10GB Disk Space, 100GB Bandwidth per month, Unlimited FTP accounts, Unlimited MySQL databases, Unlimited Sub-Domains, a 25% off code (FSP2012), all for only $5.00 a month sound? Head on over to www.fsp-hosting.…
Last reply by hollinst, -
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We need a repainter that paint some aircrafts FSX FS9 and X-plane Please come pm me Thank you Brian (CEO)
Last reply by brianatc30, -
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I'm still offering skinning services for phpVMS whether it be for a whole site layout or just a page. I have got a ready made skin for sale for GBP£45 ono that can be customised to your liking for a possible extra charge depending on how muhc you want it customised. It includes dropdown menus and an image rotator, PM me if you are interested in this skin. Any other skin enquiries can be made via PM. Jon
Last reply by Jon, -
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looking to have an Skymiles Moduler add on. It would work based on so many flights and how long the flights are. and thin after so many they would be able to buy things. off the site. any ideas to improve things and stuff let me know. Thanks
Last reply by JustinRomaine, -
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Hello, I'm looking for liveries for A32F, A332, A343 and A346 (from Wilco) for a new virtual airline. Already have logos. Anyone interested in doing that work? Thanks. Tony
Last reply by jb123, -
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Hello Everyone, I would like to take this opportunity to give you a great offer! If you are looking to start a Virtual Airline, and need Web Hosting then this could be for you. WebHosting for many people is quite daunting and we can help to give you the support that you need. If you order our basic, standard or advanced hosting then we can also install and configure phpVMS for you as well, we can also assist with things such as installing templates, editing the code and helping you to succeed in running a Virtual Airline, Flying Group or Virtual Military! The most basic package that is hosted in a UK datacentre, is only £3.50 GBP. We are an english company but can al…
Last reply by WillMorgan0711, -
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A Virgin America style IFE is for sale it includes all features such as music, radio, chat, reading and shopping. Small changed can be made if necessary, The cost of the system is £15 and can only be bought through Paypal, If you are interested please PM me Kind Regards Jacob
Last reply by avdesigns, -
Cheap TS3 Servers!!
by Guest- 0 replies
Hey Guys, Pacific Hosting just started hosting CHEAP TS3 servers. If you interested visit We add new packages daily! Check it out today! Thanks, Ryan Palmer
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I am looking for someone that can make me a professional looking very affordable design for the MyBB forum system. Please PM for details and let me know if you are capable of doing such a thing. Thanks, Edmund K.
Last reply by edmundk, -
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Hi, I pay for a new schedule system only for my VA. In the schedule system you can book a flight in your location and with the planes are in your location. And I put in the admin in a tab in xxx_schedules tab ex: E195, AT72. If you book this flight the Schedule System gives you the option to select Embraers 195 & ATR72 in this location. I do this part "And I put in the admin in a tab in xxx_schedules tab ex: E195, AT72" but I pay for the rest of the Schedule System.
Last reply by carlosuc99, -
First-Hosting : Special Deals!
by Guest- 0 replies
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Hello all, I am looking for someone who could skin website of my new VA which am I currently setting up. I had booked a skinning by Olbi, who is making it with a real quality and quite cheap too, but from unexpected reason he couldn't finish my order. His price's for an sleek&modern phpVMS website skin was about 10£, so I am looking for someting similiar. The VA is called Wings Air, and the colours are light navy blue and gray. If you're interested, my email is If you have some suggestions, for ex. to the price or to website style, we can get along with. Cheers, Simon.
Last reply by Renzo, -
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Hello All, We are cirrus airways and we need the mentioned services. I need people who are reliable and dedicated. Details of the skin will be discussed through PM's for quotes etc. The painter needs to paint pmdg and freeware 737-700. Details and quote also through PM. 1 special livery plus normal. So 4 liveries all in all. I want dedicated people, i have been let down before, ripped off and out of pocket, therefore no deposits. I want regular updates on skype if possible. I know the no deposit is a bit of a scare, but i'm good for my word, it just so happens a few people happen to ruin it in the community. Full payments will be made before transfer to myself. I a…
Last reply by CirrusAirways, -
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Dear CEO's Last year I made a 5-page report, based on the pireps, for the VA I used to "work for". This information helped us (the management at the time) a great deal in making decisions to take the airline forwards. Today I have decided to make this information available to you, for a small fee. What you will get is a pdf document full of stats and graphs about your airline, which will give you a statistic, objective insight in your operations. You will have numbers, black on white, that tell you the state of your virtual enterprise. The graphs will be based on your pilots reports (PIREP) data, which contain tons of information. (you do know the difference between d…
Last reply by mischka, -
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Last reply by TJ1990, -
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no longer required...
Last reply by lewishh, -
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Hello everyone, I am looking for someone to design a layout design for my soon-to-be Virtual Airline website. It will be Alaska Virtual Airlines, and will need somewhat of a classy design, please research the real world airline for inspiration and make it look like it could be a real world airline website. I do not need a coder, just a design and coulour scheme for the layout of my site. I would also need a drop down menu design included. You may be brought on as a staff member of our virtual airline to design other items such as aCARS, signatures, logos, etc. depending upon how well you do. Shoot me a number at and we can see if we can work somethi…
Last reply by Tkelley96, -
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Last reply by avdesigns, -
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Hello, After developing Taba which is an airport in Egypt, I've decided to offer a service for scenery creation. This means ground plans based on the real airports (Gates, runways, taxiways, buildings - all in the correct places) unfortunately this doesn't include custom modeled building as what you would expect in a Aerosoft packages but it does include the correct placement of building that are included in the FSX SDK. However I can correctly place all of the airports facilitation into the correct locations including buses, terminals buildings such as fire stations and even static A/C. The work will be Attribution 3.0 Unported so you can distribute and change it. Obv…
Last reply by avdesigns, -
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Hello, I am trying to see if someone can help me out with a new SKIN for the VA and help me out with the website and get it looking better. If you call me on skype or teamspeak we can talk about prices skype name : ksmq-nj teamspeak IP Address : thank you Brian (CEO)
Last reply by brianatc30, -
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Hi Friend ... I am setting up a Virtual Airline, I need someone to skin the website for me as paid service, I want it done perfect and beautiful, no time wasters. My Email if intrested, thanks.
Last reply by Muhammad, -
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Hi everybody my name is Mctair Grant and I am starting a virtual airline which is expected to be released in June 10th 2014. We are looking for a livery designer who can design aircraft and logo's for any of the listed simulators Flight gear FSX and some other simulators We're also looking for a negotiable price. If you feel that you are up to the challenge free to email me at for more information. You must be able to design atleast 3the following types Chrome Pearl Stripes Dynamic writing Hy dimension imagery
Last reply by Dalvin121, -
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- 1.9k views With PHPVMS installed... there is some one who would for us to do the shik? Please include the price in your message. Thanks
Last reply by fcolirf, -
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Hi, For InterVA, Inter Virtual Airlines (, we are lookig up repainter for Wilco 737 EVO / FSX and 50N 737. I'm waiting to hear you guys. Thank you.
Last reply by InterVA,