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  1. I know that the version 7 is still being worked on, and have no idea when it will be ready for wide release but I have been learning the basic's of Blade Templating and converting an existing Bootstrap & HTML template to phpVMS v7. I am also trying to learn the basic's of Laravel for v7. I am not a coder by any mean's just enjoy making template's for the old version's of phpVMS and also learning how to make them or customize them for v7. I am making video's and was wondering if anyone is interested, while I work on them. My way is just the simple old school way similar to the older version's. Still have to learn SASS, Laravel, etc... but the basic's of the look of the templates do work, so that you can have something look different than the stock one, and hopefully we can learn and help each other. Please let me know if you are interested in these very basic video's. I have the first one done that show's you how to get the converted template to show up, and now have to work on the navigation, drop down menu, content, etc... video's! I have not made very many, if any, (wait I did make one Adobe Muse one for menu's that is super simple about 3-4 years ago and for some strange reason has like 80,000 views), and they are not very professional, still learning, but get the job done! phpVMS 7 is still in development, not recommended to use as a production virtual airline! Alright, here is the first video in I hope to be a series. I worked on the navigation and Snag It crashed, a lot of work down the drain. Have to redo it at some point! I do all my editing on a Mac, but it's the same for WIndow's! Just use the editor of choice and FileZilla type program, etc... This is how I do although there are a ton of different ways! phpVMS v7 template links and basics - Part 1 Thanks!
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