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Note: If you own all packages then please note the update order! SPTheme -> DBPack -> DSPack 11.MARCH.25 (v1.2.2 / 1.2.2 / v1.3.1) Some minor fixes for the award-widget, userrole and pireps table (v1.2.2 SPTheme) Changed blades for Hub/Airline Transfer v1.8 module (v1.2.2 SPTheme) Changed menu links for Hub/Airline Transfer v1.8 module (v1.3.1 DSPack) Changed menu links for Hub/Airline Transfer v1.8 module (v1.2.2 DBPack)2 points
Thanks, everything worked smoothly after deletion 🙂2 points
@DisposableHeroupdated the code and generated a sample json with the fares based on the default profiles https://github.com/aerocaribbeanva/phpvms-utilities/tree/main/phpvms7-fares I was able to use https://www.simbrief.com/api/inputs.airframes.json1 point
This is a vmsACARS item - it doesn’t belong in phpVMS v2/v5 Support section. it belongs in phpVMS 7, vmsACARS forum. I’ll move it as a one time courteously - please use the correct forum moving forward. Additionally, when needing to post more than a few lines of a log file, upload the log file and provide a link in the forum. It is difficult to read a long log in the forum itself.1 point
As far as I know SimBrief does not have seat configuration definition and it can differ from airline to airline, and again as far as I know you do not need an API key to fetch the default profiles. I do define my fares according to the airline I simulate, I do not care what the addon provides at that stage because they do try to provide a single layout which can suit most of their users. Imagine it like Fenix providing a 220 seat A321, but the airline I do simulate has 20+180 for example, thus 200 seats max. Also opposite can be faced, the airline you try to simulate can have a special config of 230 pax (all economy on an A321, terrible config but there are companies using that), but the addon can give you 219 only. Thus reading something from SimBrief and then converting it to v7 fares is something I would never do (even if I can, I would not go that way), I do define my fares according to the real airline, then advise my pilots to match the Traffic Load or ZFW (if the addon is not providing enough seats or cargo space). Good luck with the script1 point
I don't think that I understood the main aim here, will try to provide some answers though 1. If you want to dynamically check the simbrief profile, thus the selected addon aircraft and read its capacity then apply it back to phpVMS (for automatic random payload generation), sorry this is not possible. 2. If you have subfleets defined for each ICAO type (which as you said are tied to some simbrief airframes) then you can (and have to) adjust their fare capacities manually once (as described in other guides). Sorry but this is admin work, needs to be done. As the addons differ in capacities, it will not be logical to develop something to read simbrief profiles and then write them to phpVMS fares (to reduce admin work). Imagine a code reading iFly profile and adjusting the fares according to its seat config and then same code will read a Bredok profile which is totally different from iFly, same will happen while reading PMDG profiles and then reading a Zibo profile etc. Even if someone tries to spend some time to develop something for this, it will be practically useless and create more problems Hope this helps1 point
Thanks I'm trying to set my subfleets and fares and need to figure out how to define the simbrief defaults.1 point
No, those are all just warnings and may get removed in further versions of php/laravel.1 point
Here you go: http://shop.sass-projects.dev/custom.zip (remember to clear your browser cache as these files are mostly stored there.1 point
Hi, Original/default file is at "your phpVMS Root\modules\DisposableBasic\Resources\views\web" folder https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableBasic/blob/main/Resources/views/web/blank.blade.php I would suggest using "Duplication Procedure" or logic to have your own/edited blade files. https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableBasic#duplicating-module-bladesviews Good luck @ProAvia would you please move this topic to Disposable Addons section Thanks1 point
Hi @William Looks like you added "SES_ENDPOINT" only to services https://github.com/phpvms/phpvms/blob/main/config/services.php#L26-L30 Technically the "MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS" and "MAIL_FROM_NAME" are already defined and can be controlled from .env itself, no need to modify mail.php for them, as it will revert back to defaults during an update. We can add that additional AWS SES Enpoint to phpVMS itself, so future updates will have it and you will not worry about updates Safe flights1 point
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Yeah... I think all ranks need to be present in the sub-fleet. For instance, if I am a Sr.Captain and the sub fleet only has a First Officer assigned, it will only show the schedules to ranks of the first officer and not to Captains or Sr Captains. Basically, I understand all ranks need to be assigned to the sub-fleet for all schedules to be displayed. It does not compound from the lower one. Thanks though for making me think harder!1 point
In above solutions, SimBrief will not send the auto generated load back to phpVMS, it only creates the flight plan. You will rely on pilot input (to get the numbers back) This is important.1 point
Hi, If you want to use SimBrief's internal random load generation logic then you need to either disable capacities in your fares (so phpvms can not generate any load) or you can disable pax, baggage and cargo amount transfer in SB form (so phpVMS will be able to generate but not send anything to SB) In any case there will be a mismatch between SB and phpVMS. Also there may be logical problems, mismatches in your phpVMS financial data. You may need to check SimBrief API documentation to better understand what to disable and how it behaves, also you may need to alter simbrief_form.blade.php if you want to select the second option. Good luck1 point
Yes, sorry for mixing things up!! Didn't even think about that.... It's not a theme and there's no developer involved, that is default, vanilla V7, but I'll repost this accordingly. Thanks1 point
As you may have noticed, phpVMS v7 comes with built in SimBrief API integration and aircraft can be configured in some different ways to achieve better planning results. Below you can find some key instructions and settings with their effects. Main Requirement is a valid SimBrief API key, to get one kindly check SimBrief documents (website/support forum) and complete your application, when you have your key ready, just insert it in settings. While waiting for your API key you can define your Subfleets and Aircraft as below; Subfleet Definitions; Here only important field is "SimBrief Type", when it is defined it will be used for all aircraft under this subfleet. And it simply overwrites the Aircraft ICAO code during planning. If your pilots are using only one simulator (like X-Plane) and only one aircraft addon for this subfleet (like Zibo), then you can simply add your Zibo B737-800X SimBrief Airframe ID here at this field. Aircraft Definitions; This is the most important part, as it allows fine tuned planning compared to a generic subfleet airframe definition. As you can see, we do have the same "SimBrief Type" field here too. This affects only the aircraft, and has priority over the subfleet definition. So if you have a really specific SimBrief Airframe for a particular aircraft and want it to be the default, then you can enter the id here. (Also it is possible to use this field as a replacement ICAO code. Imagine you are using an Airbus CEO but want this aircraft to use Airbus NEO standards at SimBrief, so you define A321 as the ICAO code, but use A21N as the SimBrief Type.) FIN, SELCAL and HEX CODE (ICAO 24-bit, transponder identification code) are optional and have no direct effect on the flight plan you will generate but the weights below are important. When defined, these weights are passed to SimBrief for flight planning purposes, so better define them according to the aircraft you are trying to simulate within phpVMS. You can see that the DOW is empty (0) in the example, this is not a mistake but done on purpose. You will see it later. Using SimBrief Airframes (sb airframes) ; phpVMS is able to get and store all publicly available SimBrief Airframes / SimBrief Layouts during install and update them weekly (with cron), also it is possible for admins to manually trigger an update whenever they wish to. Also it is possible to add your own / custom airframes to the system easily. As like SimBrief itself, airframe definitions are "ICAO Code" based, once you define and save your custom airframe at SimBrief, you can simply copy the airframe ID and add it to phpVMS by giving it a nice looking unique name and the aircraft ICAO type code you wish to use. Also, if you do not want to use the built in SimBrief airframes and have only your custom airframes listed, then you need to enable the respective setting from Admin > Settings. This logic also applies to passenger and baggage weights being used for planning. Imagine you have an airframe definition (either created by you, or a public one provided by SimBrief), using 100 kg for passengers and 20 kg for their bags. But you do not want to use those weights because you have some custom weights for scheduled/non-scheduled flights, even better you control your baggage weights per airport with some custom code etc. Then you need to enable the respective setting to pass in your weights to SimBrief. How does it work, how is the priority logic defined ? Why the DOW is empty in the example ? Subfleet SimBrief Type = Empty Aircraft SimBrief Type = Empty Aircraft ICAO Code = A321 Aircraft DOW = Empty Aircraft MLW = Empty SimBrief Provided Airframes = Fenix A321 IAE, Fenix A321 CFM, ToLiss A321, Your Custom A321 As you know, each addon aircraft have their own basic empty weights and mostly they are hard coded (for SimBrief it is the DOW - Dry Operating Weight / OEW - Operating Empty Weight). So we leave it empty, to be able to use the DOW from SimBrief Airframe definitions. When planning, the dropdown will show you 5 items, the list is above and there will be a "SimBrief Default" entry (which is the basic definitions of SB). If you select Fenix A321 IAE, then its DOW will be used, along with its performance definitions (like fuel factor, engine thrust rating and others), equipment etc. But the weights you defined will be sent to SimBrief to overwrite those values. If you do not select one, it is ok too as the defaults provided by SimBrief along with the data you are sending (like weights and other stuff) will be used. But if you are after precise flight planning, then it is better to either have your main types defined at SimBrief and a matching airframe should be selected. Subfleet SB Type > Aircraft SB Type > Selected Airframe > Aircraft specific details (like weights, SELCAL, HEX, FIN, VA specific custom RMK field) With this order and logic you can have base airframes for your fleet, like PMDG B738, Zibo B738, LevelUp B738 (same example can be extended to Fenix, ToLiss, Aerosoft, Flight Factor group) and then define aircraft specific changes at phpVMS because in a fleet some aircraft have different MZFW or MLW's but they do share the generic specifications. Like a B738 can have 79013, 77000 or 75000 KG MTOW depending on the certification, instead of defining different airframes at SimBrief, you can simply pass that info during planning. Recent changes at SimBrief allow pilots to have precise performance calculations, specific limitations and if certified some nice ETOPS abilities, to be able to use them with phpVMS, defining airframes at SimBrief and using their ID's during planning will be the best option (considering some items still not available at api access, this method will eliminate those cases too). Climb / Cruise / Descent Profiles and Layout Options All these are also obtained from SimBrief and tied to Aircraft ICAO type codes, so when you select an A321 from your fleet to generate a flight plan, you will see the profiles SimBrief offer for that type in general. Additionally the layout is automatically selected if an airline match is found, if not SimBrief Default (LIDO) is used. What about General Aviation and Really Custom Airframe Support GA is supported by SimBrief up to a point, so we do have the same, even though the examples above are based on airliners, logic remains same for GA aircraft too. And you can still define your custom (non-existing airframe at SimBrief) as per their documentation, have a profile for it and use it at phpVMS. Considering that nothing offered by SimBrief, your custom airframe will be the only option at the dropdown. Hope this help, safe flights.1 point
In administration, you must have the option marked: BIDS Allow multiple bids Whether or not someone can bid on multiple flights. I understand that this option was to be able to reserve a multiple bids pilot. But this option makes multiple riders book one bids.1 point