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  1. SPTransfer v1.8 for phpvVMS7 I know, the basic system allows pilots to change their HUB from the profile settings page. But if you want a little bit more variety and interaction with your pilots and finances and want to disable the freedom of changing HUBs every time, than this module is for you. This module provides an admin page where you can work on all requests including settings for the price per request and block time between multiple requests. >>> View on GitHub <<< Do you have any suggestions or need help? Please use the GitHub issue tracker or this topic
    3 points
  2. I am excited to announce the release of my custom phpVMSv7 theme! I created this theme because I know that not everyone has the budget for an expensive custom design, and I want to support the community by providing a high-quality, modern, lightweight and efficient, accessible alternative. SPTheme is fully customizable and designed with privacy in mind, as it contains no external content and is 100% GDPR-compliant. It features a built-in admin module, allowing for easy management, and includes both dark and light mode for a flexible user experience. To enhance functionality, SPTheme offers live network statistics and a "Who is Online" display, ensuring users always stay informed. Additionally, a registration exam mode allows for extra verification of new pilots. For added convenience, the package includes 42+ placeholder images, making it easy to set up a visually appealing site. With multi-language support and over 226 translatable additional phrases, the theme is ready to be used worldwide. And that’s not all—there are even more features and enhancements included to provide a seamless experience. I hope SPTheme helps virtual airlines achieve a professional and modern look without high costs. More details are available at https://shop.sass-projects.dev. Check also the live demo for additional information and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
    3 points
  3. As you may have noticed, phpVMS v7 comes with built in SimBrief API integration and aircraft can be configured in some different ways to achieve better planning results. Below you can find some key instructions and settings with their effects. Main Requirement is a valid SimBrief API key, to get one kindly check SimBrief documents (website/support forum) and complete your application, when you have your key ready, just insert it in settings. While waiting for your API key you can define your Subfleets and Aircraft as below; Subfleet Definitions; Here only important field is "SimBrief Type", when it is defined it will be used for all aircraft under this subfleet. And it simply overwrites the Aircraft ICAO code during planning. If your pilots are using only one simulator (like X-Plane) and only one aircraft addon for this subfleet (like Zibo), then you can simply add your Zibo B737-800X SimBrief Airframe ID here at this field. Aircraft Definitions; This is the most important part, as it allows fine tuned planning compared to a generic subfleet airframe definition. As you can see, we do have the same "SimBrief Type" field here too. This affects only the aircraft, and has priority over the subfleet definition. So if you have a really specific SimBrief Airframe for a particular aircraft and want it to be the default, then you can enter the id here. (Also it is possible to use this field as a replacement ICAO code. Imagine you are using an Airbus CEO but want this aircraft to use Airbus NEO standards at SimBrief, so you define A321 as the ICAO code, but use A21N as the SimBrief Type.) FIN, SELCAL and HEX CODE (ICAO 24-bit, transponder identification code) are optional and have no direct effect on the flight plan you will generate but the weights below are important. When defined, these weights are passed to SimBrief for flight planning purposes, so better define them according to the aircraft you are trying to simulate within phpVMS. You can see that the DOW is empty (0) in the example, this is not a mistake but done on purpose. You will see it later. Using SimBrief Airframes (sb airframes) ; phpVMS is able to get and store all publicly available SimBrief Airframes / SimBrief Layouts during install and update them weekly (with cron), also it is possible for admins to manually trigger an update whenever they wish to. Also it is possible to add your own / custom airframes to the system easily. As like SimBrief itself, airframe definitions are "ICAO Code" based, once you define and save your custom airframe at SimBrief, you can simply copy the airframe ID and add it to phpVMS by giving it a nice looking unique name and the aircraft ICAO type code you wish to use. Also, if you do not want to use the built in SimBrief airframes and have only your custom airframes listed, then you need to enable the respective setting from Admin > Settings. This logic also applies to passenger and baggage weights being used for planning. Imagine you have an airframe definition (either created by you, or a public one provided by SimBrief), using 100 kg for passengers and 20 kg for their bags. But you do not want to use those weights because you have some custom weights for scheduled/non-scheduled flights, even better you control your baggage weights per airport with some custom code etc. Then you need to enable the respective setting to pass in your weights to SimBrief. How does it work, how is the priority logic defined ? Why the DOW is empty in the example ? Subfleet SimBrief Type = Empty Aircraft SimBrief Type = Empty Aircraft ICAO Code = A321 Aircraft DOW = Empty Aircraft MLW = Empty SimBrief Provided Airframes = Fenix A321 IAE, Fenix A321 CFM, ToLiss A321, Your Custom A321 As you know, each addon aircraft have their own basic empty weights and mostly they are hard coded (for SimBrief it is the DOW - Dry Operating Weight / OEW - Operating Empty Weight). So we leave it empty, to be able to use the DOW from SimBrief Airframe definitions. When planning, the dropdown will show you 5 items, the list is above and there will be a "SimBrief Default" entry (which is the basic definitions of SB). If you select Fenix A321 IAE, then its DOW will be used, along with its performance definitions (like fuel factor, engine thrust rating and others), equipment etc. But the weights you defined will be sent to SimBrief to overwrite those values. If you do not select one, it is ok too as the defaults provided by SimBrief along with the data you are sending (like weights and other stuff) will be used. But if you are after precise flight planning, then it is better to either have your main types defined at SimBrief and a matching airframe should be selected. Subfleet SB Type > Aircraft SB Type > Selected Airframe > Aircraft specific details (like weights, SELCAL, HEX, FIN, VA specific custom RMK field) With this order and logic you can have base airframes for your fleet, like PMDG B738, Zibo B738, LevelUp B738 (same example can be extended to Fenix, ToLiss, Aerosoft, Flight Factor group) and then define aircraft specific changes at phpVMS because in a fleet some aircraft have different MZFW or MLW's but they do share the generic specifications. Like a B738 can have 79013, 77000 or 75000 KG MTOW depending on the certification, instead of defining different airframes at SimBrief, you can simply pass that info during planning. Recent changes at SimBrief allow pilots to have precise performance calculations, specific limitations and if certified some nice ETOPS abilities, to be able to use them with phpVMS, defining airframes at SimBrief and using their ID's during planning will be the best option (considering some items still not available at api access, this method will eliminate those cases too). Climb / Cruise / Descent Profiles and Layout Options All these are also obtained from SimBrief and tied to Aircraft ICAO type codes, so when you select an A321 from your fleet to generate a flight plan, you will see the profiles SimBrief offer for that type in general. Additionally the layout is automatically selected if an airline match is found, if not SimBrief Default (LIDO) is used. What about General Aviation and Really Custom Airframe Support GA is supported by SimBrief up to a point, so we do have the same, even though the examples above are based on airliners, logic remains same for GA aircraft too. And you can still define your custom (non-existing airframe at SimBrief) as per their documentation, have a profile for it and use it at phpVMS. Considering that nothing offered by SimBrief, your custom airframe will be the only option at the dropdown. Hope this help, safe flights.
    3 points
  4. Note: If you own all packages then please note the update order! SPTheme -> DBPack -> DSPack 11.MARCH.25 (v1.2.2 / 1.2.2 / v1.3.1) Some minor fixes for the award-widget, userrole and pireps table (v1.2.2 SPTheme) Changed blades for Hub/Airline Transfer v1.8 module (v1.2.2 SPTheme) Changed menu links for Hub/Airline Transfer v1.8 module (v1.3.1 DSPack) Changed menu links for Hub/Airline Transfer v1.8 module (v1.2.2 DBPack)
    2 points
  5. Thanks, everything worked smoothly after deletion 🙂
    2 points
  6. SPTransfer v1.3 for phpvVMS7 Thanks to ProAviaAZ, for the suggestions. Added an option for different charge types Added a widget for showing pending requests
    2 points
  7. Hey, first I want to mention that this is not a personal commercial promotional post. My goal is simply to encourage people to explore and use phpVMS 7. It's a powerful platform with great customization options for virtual airline management. Yes, I have a lot of experience but nothing is impossible. Creating themes and designs for phpVMS version 7 with Laravel offers great flexibility without needing WordPress for custom homepages. Since phpVMS is built on Laravel, you can leverage modern tools to craft unique, responsive designs directly within the platform. Themes are built using Blade, Laravel's templating engine, which allows for easy separation of logic and presentation. This makes it simple to create reusable layouts, such as headers and footers. Additionally, you can integrate CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind to ensure the design is mobile-friendly and visually appealing. For dynamic features, JavaScript libraries such as jQuery or Vue.js can be added, enhancing interactivity. Laravel also supports efficient asset management with tools like Webpack or Laravel Mix, optimizing CSS and JavaScript files for performance. Overall, phpVMS 7 allows for full customization of both the homepage and the entire user interface, eliminating the need for external systems like WordPress. The flexibility of Laravel ensures that you can create engaging and functional themes directly within phpVMS. As I am a long-time user of phpvms version 5 I know how similar virtual airlines are designed, so I want to show just a few different examples, of how different your work can be end.
    2 points
  8. Check item no 3 in that guide, it may help or provide enough clues Good luck
    2 points
  9. Airac 2406 Data only, just import it into your db like normal
    2 points
  10. Award Importer v1.0 for phpvms_v7 If you want to import your awards and granted awards from phpvms_v5 to phpvms_v7, this will help you get everything done quickly as this process is not originally implemented. This script is intended to run after you have imported your data with the phpvms:importer and should not be used if your airline is already in production and running. >>> View on GitHub <<< What is part of the import? All awards including name, description, image URL, model parameter, active/inactive and time of creation All awards that pilots have already received including user ID, award ID and the day granted. Important The v5 and v7 database tables have to be in the same database All previous awards and granted awards will be deleted, to match user IDs You've to check your awards after the import, Award Class and Parameters are not possible to compare to v5 If you are using a different table prefix, you have to change it according to yours How to use Upload the "award_import_full.php" to your /public folder Open your browser and go to www.domain.com/award_import_full.php Do you have any suggestions or need help? Please use the GitHub issue tracker or this topic
    2 points
  11. Hello Everyone, I am very pleased to announce that my latest contributions to the phpVMS ecosystem are now available on the Cardinal Horizon GitHub. First, CHTrips! CHTrips is a module that can be a few things packed into one package. It's the first module I would say would be considered a "framework" module. For End Users, Trips is a robust free flight system that allows for tracking of progress on a sequence of flights. Users can quickly create a sequence of flights in your system (that are hidden) that are related to one another. For Developers, (Coming Soon) Trips's robust database schema, events, and services, will provide a framework to allow developers to rapidly build Tours, Events, or Missions systems! Using CHTrips alongside your own module ensures that phpVMS performance isn't lost by multiple plugins conflicting with PIREP events, or other sections of the system. CHTrips can be found here: https://github.com/cardinalhorizon/CHTrips Second, CHPirepSS! CHPirepSS is a very simple module, with a very simple feature: Allow for PIREPs to be converted from ACARS to Manual. Has your community ever encountered an issue where ACARS crashes in a unrecoverable state, and you instruct your pilot to file a Manual PIREP? Well, why not simply convert the PIREP that's already in the database and has telemetry data, into a manually filed one? No more duplicate PIREPs because of software being software! CHPirepSS contains a very simple widget meant to be placed in your manual pirep creation screen. Imaged below is a example: CHPirepSS can be found here: https://github.com/cardinalhorizon/CHPirepSS For both of my modules, I am very interested in your feedback. If you wish to do so, please feel free to open an Issue on either repository. Thank you for your support!
    2 points
  12. https://www.latlong.net/
    1 point
  13. Yeah... I think all ranks need to be present in the sub-fleet. For instance, if I am a Sr.Captain and the sub fleet only has a First Officer assigned, it will only show the schedules to ranks of the first officer and not to Captains or Sr Captains. Basically, I understand all ranks need to be assigned to the sub-fleet for all schedules to be displayed. It does not compound from the lower one. Thanks though for making me think harder!
    1 point
  14. Glad you found the cause. And now there is another tidbit of info here for someone else to see when they have the same issue.
    1 point
  15. Great help thank you! We got custom liveries for our VA so the airline ICAO’s are correct. In this case the listeners for that could work. Also thanks for the hint in the Disposable Bacic
    1 point
  16. Technically it is possible, by some custom listeners/code which will run when a pirep gets filed. But it is very tricky, because aircraft developers and livery painters mostly not paying attention to aircraft icao codes or aircraft.cfg entries, most of them are even not able to spell airline names/codes properly in the liveries they ship. As an example to false icao codes being used by developers is PMDG 737 series, even though they ship A B738 (B737-800) to people, their aircraft config says it is a B737 (B737-700), same applies to B736 and B739 too. Also MSFS has other problems converting/using the livery aircraft.cfg entries to plain text and reports back strange codes (their variable names) back to 3rd party addons like vmsAcars. In theory, vmsAcars returns back the aircraft title to your phpVMS/server as a pirep field value, with a custom listener/code you can check the livery name and do whatever you wish (like penalizing the pilot, rejecting the pirep, commenting on their pirep etc.) even though you will have lots of false positives it is possible. However to reduce those false positives, after you have your custom listener up and running, you can ship your liveries to your pilots, which will have correct aircraft.cfg entries and kindly force them to use your officially approved liveries for flights. Rest will continue creating problems, but will be rejected automatically, which is another nice way to teach people to follow VA SOP and rules One of my addons (Disposable Basic) offers an auto rejection feature, if you need something to begin with, you can check its code as an example to build your own. Hope this helps
    1 point
  17. View File FlightTools *** DETAILS *** This is version 1.0.9 of a series of aeronautical tools for your Va. Includes V1.0.9 : - Transition Level Calculation - Top Of Descent Calculation - Aero metrics Calculation ========================= - Years of Service Award - Legs in One Day Award - Total Distance Award - Landing Rate Award Check online repository & ReadMe for detailed upgrade Submitter Aciv Submitted 06/17/24 Category Add-ons  
    1 point
  18. Great news, enjoy your new addon/module
    1 point
  19. The screenshot above does not show the menu after login, it is the public frontend. This is why I asked about any new menu items. Clicking those buttons from admin modules page may end up nothing if it is designed that way, a module can leave them empty/null and provide only a page a frontend which needs to be clicked from frontend etc. etc. As an example, my modules have lots of frontend links, and nothing is defined for the button you try to click, same for admin pages too. This module may be the same, therefore you should check its documents (if any) and try checking your frontend menu after logging in to your phpvms. Hope this help, good luck
    1 point
  20. Did you cleared your application cache after enabling the module? Did you check your frontend page afterwards for any new menu items?
    1 point
  21. I would like my pilots track their Estimated Time Enroute (which is basically the time between takeoff and landing) "ETE" from their aircraft directly, either from flight management systems or instruments. Compare it against their flight plans, preferably along with elapsed time value during flight. Do necessary actions if they are falling behind or ahead of their schedule or flight plan etc. None of my guys would look to vmsAcars map window for something dynamic like it, as it will not be accurate and will be a misleading/unnecessary information Safe flights
    1 point
  22. Clowns - they have been advised to NOT install beta 5. I believe Taylor Broad provided them with a link to the correct phpVMS download to install. Personally, I'd never go asking them to install or fix anything phpVMS related. It's not that they are incompetent, but phpVMS isn't their specialty. In the phpVMS Discord, visit the #v7-releases channel. Scroll to the bottom. The last entry (from 12/6/24) presently shows 7.0.46. Click on the 'zip' to download the file to your desktop. Filezilla is fine for editing files and moving addons into phpVMS - But it's easier and quicker to use cPanel's included File Manager to upload the phpVMS dev zip file. Here is a link to the docs for phpVMS 7 https://docs.phpvms.net/ Since you have an existing install, click on 'Installation', then 'Updating'. https://docs.phpvms.net/installation/updating Read thru that short section on updating. You will be uploading the entire zip file to the root of your phpVMS 7 install (the one with the .env file in it. Make a backup of your site! Skip this at your own peril. At a minimum, make a backup of the .env files. Also, make note of any changes you made to files in the /config folder - I recommend making a backup of this as well and checking to see if there are changes to any of those files which might need to be copied over. On your remote site (through your FTP client or SSH), delete the vendors folder On your remote site (through your FTP client or SSH), delete all of the files in bootstrap/cache and storage/framework/cache (delete the contents, NOT the folders) Upload all of the files (or upload latest build via your file manager and unpack), and overwrite everything. If you are using composer, then run composer install command via shell/terminal Visit the /update URL of your site (e,g http://myva.com/update) to complete the update/installs Check the changelog for template changes so you can update your skin Follow the instructions - except #5 as you are uploading the entire zip - to the letter. The final step is to go to admin, maintenance and clear the cache. This should bring your phpVMS up to date. Airports, aircraft, flights (schedules) will need to be added manually. I believe you can upload a few airports, aircraft and schedules - then export them and edit/add to them using Excel (or similar) in the CSV file format and then re-import them with your changes/additions. Be sure to follow the format in the CSV files exactly or you will have issues with missing data. I'd suggest getting the base phpVMS system working first and then concern yourself with addons (theme, modules). As for SC3, there should be a Web or Module folder included which you (as the site admin) would upload to the phpVMS 'modules' folder. This will allow you to test SM3. The above should at least get you started with the basic system and SM3.
    1 point
  23. Your best bet would be to read thru each readme (phpVMS, Disposable Theme, modules). If you understand the functions of the program and addons, you can easily install them all as well. It’s really just a matter of reading and understanding the instructions - and then (in phpVMS install) basically a copy/paste, /update and clear cache. Inserting the image you posted in place of one of the default images is easy to do as well. If TFDI installed phpVMS, hopefully they installed the latest dev version and not beta 5 (which is way out of date). They should also have installed the SM3 module if you ordered it at the same time as your hosting with them. Be aware that presently SM 3 isn’t fully compatible with phpVMS v7.
    1 point
  24. Are you sure you copied all the files of DisposableBasic to the correct folder including the proper folder name? As the error clearly says: "production.ERROR: Class "Modules\DisposableBasic\Providers\DB_ServiceProvider" not found". https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableBasic?tab=readme-ov-file#installation-and-updates
    1 point
  25. Nobody told you that "support" is ended, that is your own conclusion I told you that "development ended for v1 series" and this is not something to stop sales or support. We are testing v2 series and it is "hopefully" near to being released (best kind of support, is an improved new version) as "beta" (at least stable to be a beta and to see how many more bugs will be found by a wider range of users), so no need for being a grumpy old man When it gets to beta, you can download it and use as you wish, but also you can stick with v1, nobody will stop you doing that but the best support you will get for it will be "please upgrade to v2" because nobody will go back to an old code, fix it and release again while a new version is out and live And please until v2 gets released to public (as beta) be patient. 11-12 22:30:37|INFO; Arrived clicked 11-12 22:30:37|INFO; Moved into on block 11-12 22:30:37|INFO; Flight ended manually on taxi on Since you did not shared the entire log, I need some more info; * Which sim was this ? (MSFS, XP11, XP12, Prepar3D, Fsx) * Which aircraft was in use ? * Which airport you landed ? Safe flights.
    1 point
  26. Additionally, be sure your cron command is running the exact same php version with your hosting account/domain where phpvms runs. Running phpvms with php8.1 but trying to run cron with php8.0 or php8.2 will cause failure. So whenever you try different php versions, or update them be 100% sure that cron is using the same php executable. Good luck
    1 point
  27. I shared my thoughts already at Discord. Looks like your install is not good and you have file/folder access problems.
    1 point
  28. Hi @DisposableHero, I really apreaciate your help. I could split awards into groups using this code: @if(str_contains($award->ref_model, 'Modules\Awards\Awards\PilotHoursAwards')) Thus I just have to change the award type in order to show all the awards which belong to the same category. Kind regards!
    1 point
  29. Already did as we speak Issue Link : https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/issues/1873 Solution Link (Pull Request) : https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/pull/1874 So when this gets merged, a new dev build will be released and this will not be problem anymore for anyone I hope Have a nice night.
    1 point
  30. Ah gentlemen, forgive my ignorance, I didn't understand correctly, I thought this was defined in a general way, and however it is in the classification, so thank you all very much, success always!
    1 point
  31. Well it was as you mentioned an issue with the correct address, being new to web development and VA management had me checking every setting and not finding a single issue in the website, thank you for the input! I appreciate you all.
    1 point
  32. oh wow, thanks, it's already solved, thanks for the information
    1 point
  33. There is a setting at admin side for this, works only if your cron is working properly. Admin > Settings ... Acars group, Live Time Set it to something like 2 or 3 (hours) according to your needs.
    1 point
  34. What "network" did you bring these hours over from? Transfer Hours are separate from Flight Time in phpVMS 7. Transfer Hours are from outside of phpVMS. Flight Time is for hours flown in the phpVMS ecosystem. You can always add Transfer Hours and Flight Time to give a Total Time and then add a place to display it in your theme.
    1 point
  35. It is clearly stated in theme readme (literally it is the third line), that it needs a much recent build compared to your phpvms v7 (which is beta.5 and almost a year old). So in theory, you have two options; 1. Keep your current build (beta5) and stick with default theme (or you can use older builds of Disposable Theme which are compatible with beta5) 2. Update your phpvms v7 to the latest development build and use latest addons/themes I would prefer the second option Good luck
    1 point
  36. Then either they are not telling the truth or you are missing something! Because when configured properly mails do work, I can say you that and provide evidence to prove that Check your logs for errors and please follow the docs for required details when requesting help. Good luck
    1 point
  37. Are any emails being sent/received? Emails for new news items, PIREPs being submitted, etc? How emails ever worked? Double check with your email provider/host that you are using the correct hots, port, encryption settings.
    1 point
  38. Welcome to Virtual Cargo International. We are a professional, modern and solid Virtual Company for your next Flight. Our Virtual Company is a free, non-profit, non-commercial organisation, which aims to simulate the flights and operations of real airlines using Flight Simulation Software. Based on many real-world airlines, real-world schedules, equipment and routes you can fly for. We are also always looking for new contracts to expand our service. With iBase2Go we provide a powerful and flexible Crew Center System to satisfy our pilot's needs. It is packed with awesome and fresh features that you will love. We have no restrictions regardless of rank or pilot status, fly any aircraft we provide from the day one you joined our company. There is more about us to read in our About Us section if you want to get more detailed information. Join us today! Virtual Cargo International is one of the more unique virtual companies based in Europe and we invite you to join our virtual company and take you to the skies. Our staff is willing to assist you and make your virtual company and flight simulation experience as immersive as possible. So do not wait and join today! And as always, if you have any questions try to find the answer here on our page. If you can not find the right answer to your question, do contact us. You can also use our discord server to send your questions. https://virtualcargo.international/ Best Regards Thorsten CEO - Virtual Cargo International
    1 point
  39. I was able to install, success, now last question, all fleet changes, for example are they now done in the right module? and no longer in the phpvms dashboard!
    1 point
  40. You are doing something wrong then Double check the folders, folder names etc. It is pretty much simple and straight forward stuff.
    1 point
  41. You need to do only one of them, Either you download the latest release manually and upload contents manually Or you pull everything from GitHub Or you use the phpvms module installer method with the downloaded file Pick only one method, not both or all
    1 point
  42. So, let us talk about the version you truly use. Because in phpvms 7 there is no core or local.config.php. Both are folders/files from phpvms 5.
    1 point
  43. hello, my brother thank you With that explanation, the user solved the problem thank you so much.
    1 point
  44. Export/import is only two steps, which can be done easily via command line interface (aka command prompt) of the server or via your web based / graphical sql workbench. I would prefer using the command line interface (CLI) if possible, it is much faster and practical. // Exporting a DB mysqldump your-database-name-here > the-name-you-want-to-use-for-the-export.sql // Importing a DB mysql -u your-db-username -p < the-name-of-the-dump-file-you-exported.sql For GUI / workbench solutions you can find lots of guides (even videos to watch) via Google, your current hosting may have one matching the tools they offer. Using a GUI solution may be slow and risky due to timeouts, upload limits etc, therefore you may want to export each table separately and then import one by one. Takes time and effort but works. Editing the settings/config of phpvms v7 is again a one step task, just change the database server/user details in your .env file, save it, done. Nothing special needed except cleaning the application cache for the changes to take effect. Just be sure the database solution you are going after is allowing external connections and properly configured for it, you can (should) test it beforehand with a new/fresh install too to see it works and performance is acceptable for you. Good luck
    1 point
  45. Yes it can be used without an Acars system @Stijn Pilots will need to report their flights via "Manual PIREPs" Good luck
    1 point
  46. So you want a "landing page", preferably outside of phpvms v7 namespace, something like a wordpress website which you can edit as you wish. It may not be that easy to achieve, because v7 "pages" system is not designed for that purpose. You can still have it by some tricks and injection logic of laravel but I am not sure that it will give you the best results out of the box. At minimum, you may need a modified app.blade.php which will be used only for that home.blade.php, and in that home.blade you can load a "page" created at admin side by (or maybe you can load more as per your design needs). And then display it without escaping html special chars, so it can be displayed as designed in a WYSIWYG editor. Or you can have a real landing page, with any CMS you like to use (like WP or Joomla etc) and have your phpvms v7 located under a subdomain like many of VA's around. Imagine https://phpvms.net (landing site) and https://demo.phpvms.net (phpvms v7) Good luck
    1 point
  47. Same logic applies, nothing different Replace the files under phpvms folder of yours with the ones from latest dev (simply unpack latest dev in that folder), then copy over the public folder contents over your public_html folder.
    1 point
  48. Hi Rob, Technically either from discord or from this forum, downloading the latest dev (development) build is the best choice... Beta.5 is ok too but it had some nice bugfixes after release and latest dev is better than the beta.5 at the moment. Additionally, when you duplicate a theme (be it the default theme or an addon theme), you need to (this is a must) edit the theme.json and change the name, which needs to match the folder name you used. Only then it will be possible to use it and avoid any errors like you mentioned above. So considering the error in your hands; You need to either clean the application cache from admin > maintenance page or if you can not reach there too, then you need to delete the mentioned (bootstrap/cache/themes.php) file manually for it to be re-created with the corrected info. Hope this helps, good luck
    1 point
  49. Why are you adding a new airport for an already existing real airport with a new non-standard (fake) icao code ? This is the main question. Just add LECH to your phpvms v7 database, either by lookup or manually then you can start using it with vmsAcars too. Good luck
    1 point
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