phpvms 7 is built on Laravel, and I've taken a look at the DB tables. As you have guessed, the same import CSV files you used for phpvms v2/v5 wouldn't work. The documentation says that you will be able to do an import thought SSH Terminal using the following artisan command. Ik most of the guys are on TFDi hosting, and the good news is they support SSH Access via cPanel. So when you get phpvms7, all you gotta do is go to cPanel > Terminal > and enter the following command with your DB creds.
php artisan phpvms:importer {db_host} {db_name} {db_user} {db_pass?}
more information here: https://docs.phpvms.net/setup/importing-from-v2-v5 On a side note,
There is this awesome tool https://virtualairlineschedules.net/ provides data (airports, aircrafts, schedules) which support phpvms7. The only thing left to actually import from your old VA DB is, Pilot Data & PIREP Data, which also can be imported manually
I've been working on Laravel projects for a while now. I created a custom VMS for a client who were running on phpVMS earlier. It was fairly very easy to get all their data from the DB and put it into a format where it was accepted by my VMS because the database tables were much similar. So, the possibility that it can be done without using the Terminal in phpvms7 is still there. I've attached a screenie for reference from when I tried to export data from a phpvms v2 based VA to a custom Laravel VMS.
In conclusion, the odds are that there would be a full featured import tool when phpVMS is released, so we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!